1932 Shock News : No Snow At The Olympics In January

Bill McKibben held a fake ski race today on no snow in May at Aspen – to prove global warming.

Eighty years ago he could have held that event in January at Lake Placid. According to Vice-President Biden, 1932 was three years after (not-yet-President) Roosevelt went on (not-yet-existent) TV to talk to America about the stock market crash.

Rochester Evening Journal and the … – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1932 Shock News : No Snow At The Olympics In January

  1. Andy DC says:

    McKibben should next hold a ski race during July in Dallas. Hopefully someone will then call for the men in white coats to put him in a place where he is no longer a danger to himself and others.

  2. Bill Gannon says:

    Looks like Hansen, Romm and the rest of the thief’s forgot to eliminate the most damming evidence before committing fraud. Old newspapers are the best evidence.

    In other news http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/weather/weather_news/northeast-ohio-wine-grapes-devastated-by-hard-freeze


    I’d love to hear the spin from Romm and Hansen.

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