1969 : US Government Scientists Wanted To Nuke Australia

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1969 : US Government Scientists Wanted To Nuke Australia

  1. nigelf says:

    Ahh, the good old days, before we started peeing our pants over increasing CO2 levels.

  2. geologyjim says:

    Project Plowshare was a series of experiments to evaluate the utility of nuclear detonations for peaceful [non-warfare] purposes. Harbor and canal excavations, natural gas production-stimulation, interplanetary rocket propulsion, underground cavity creation, and the like. Nuclear energy was the newest, hottest [pun intended], most POWERFUL force humans had ever created.

    So, of course, lots of folks wanted to know what it could do.

    That was Engineering, not Evil.

  3. Ray says:

    That could be a quick way to create a huge cavity in the moon for an underground city… then Mars…

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