350.org Shock News : Poor Countries To Change Even Faster Than Maine

There will be changes. Maine will just be different, he said.

“What we shouldn’t do is give up,” he added.

Reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can mean a lower growth of climate change.

For Barton, it’s now a moral issue. Maine will change, parts of the United States will change but not as much as other, poorer countries.

Global climate change topic of 350.org events – chicagotribune.com

Maine temperatures have been changing at a rate of 0.00 degrees per century. Poor countries are expected to to warm at least twice that fast, because CO2 hates the poor.

MAINE Climate Summary


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 350.org Shock News : Poor Countries To Change Even Faster Than Maine

  1. Robert Austin says:

    A primary tenet of consensus climate science. Maximum rate of temperature change occurs in regions where there there are no thermometers and the change is always positive.

  2. dmmcmah says:

    “For Barton, it’s now a moral issue. Maine will change, parts of the United States will change but not as much as other, poorer countries.”

    This reminds me of the roving monks during the black death that whipped themselves and engaged in other forms of self-punishment, to rid themselves of the sin that caused the plague. The only solution is for the United States to rid itself of industrialization, technology, and democracy so we can join third world nations like Sudan in lifestyle to punish ourselves for our sins!

  3. Kaboom says:

    Most of the warming takes place at high latitudes, so it’s third world cesspools like Scandinavia and Canada that get fried. Argentina will be pleased to see the Falklands boil.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Even if poorer countries warm a hundred times faster than Maine, they will not know the difference!

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