A Real Scientist In Summit County

Bob Berwyn spends his days spewing global warming tripe, while his neighbor – who is an actual scientist – tries to clean up the intellectual waste left behind by Berwyn.

Who We Are: Doubting Marty: A dissenting voice on climate change

Copper resident says climate change advocates shadow real concerns

Martin Hertzberg says global warming is a farce.

Even if advocates of the phenomenon are right about their claim the Earth is warming, it’s not because of humans, he says.

“If there is any global warming, it’s natural. But I would go further. The theory that human emission of carbon dioxide having an effect … that theory, in my humble opinion as a scientist, is one of the greatest frauds in the history of science,” Hertzberg said.

The bottom line is that carbon dioxide has a minimal impact on climatology, he says. And he should know, because he was a meteorologist in the Navy, and has since taught the subject as well as turned it into his retirement hobby for the past 15 years.

Since the start of the global warming fad, as he might call it, in the mid-1990s, and since he moved to Copper Mountain as a full-time resident in 1996, he’s delved into the subject. He’s published several papers and coauthored a book titled “Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory.” He rarely lets any mention of climate change in the pages of the Summit Daily go unchallenged, and opinion page readers are accustomed to seeing him voice his doubts on a regular basis.

Hertzberg holds a PhD in physical chemistry from Stanford before being trained as a meteorologist — which is where he came to know water vapor and its impact on weather.

Who We Are: Doubting Marty: A dissenting voice on climate change | SummitDaily.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to A Real Scientist In Summit County

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    “I would go further. The theory that human emission of carbon dioxide having an effect … that theory, in my humble opinion as a scientist, is one of the greatest frauds in the history of science,” Hertzberg said.
    My comment on today’s jnova post on CO2:

    “If CO2 is having an impact … it’s impossible to say what it is.”
    Exactly. There is a lot of evidence that the leftist environmentalists contrived a problem to which the solution was ‘coincidentally’ precisely what they have been pining for for decades: de-industrialization! But, it turns out (surprise), there is NO empirical evidence that CO2 effects temps on a climate level. None. At best we have an ambiguous controversial arguable theoretical model.
    Fact is, the only solid evidence there is shows that CO2 rises and falls as a result of temperature change, not that it causes temp change. See algor repeat the key ipcc deception (well, other than the hockey stick!) in this 3.5 minute, share-worthy video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK_WyvfcJyg
    Plus, from my previous comment: Lindzen says: “Claims… that man’s activity have contributed to warming are trivially true but essentially meaningless.”
    Piers Corbyn, in a comment, takes it further: “Observational evidence gives the possibility that the net effect of CO2 increases on World temperatures may not be ‘only trivial’ but in fact miniscule, zero, or even negative due to errors in some of the science some claim or – I would suggest – hitherto not understood feed-back and competing processes…”

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