A Simple Solution For Warmists

People who believe that there are too many humans and that energy consumption is destroying the planet, have the opportunity to mitigate the problem by simply removing themselves from the planet.

But that isn’t what actually motivates them. Their real goal is to eliminate other people from the planet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to A Simple Solution For Warmists

  1. Traitor in Chief says:

    And they could take Barbara Boxer with them…. 🙂 She wants to go too.

  2. Scott says:

    This is the most blatantly obvious post I’ve ever seen. Congratulations. Those that don’t realize this are beyond any form of logical reasoning.


    • Scott says:

      I guess that came off as a bit ambiguous. The point is that you’re probably wasting your time with writing such a post because anyone that doesn’t already understand what you posted will never be reasoned with because their well past that point in the path they’ve chosen.


    • suyts says:

      Scott, I think posts like this one is about arming people with the proper responses to the Malthusian totalitarians.

  3. slp says:

    People who believe the world is overpopulated probably do not realize that every person on earth would fit within the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida:


  4. Justa Joe says:

    I rematked to some malthusian warmist on youtube who was bitching about population and what he termed the “exponential growth meme” that I’d have to consider him a hypocrit up until the time that he off-ed himself. His response was that he wouldn’t leave the world to the deniers.

  5. Scarface says:

    They want to sacrifice OPL, but they want more OPM too.
    That’s why taxes will inevitably skyrocket.

  6. tckev says:

    I have said before, we should have an “International Anti-CO2 day” to help mitigate all the problems that the excess CO2 has brought.
    On this day people will stop exhaling, for a day, to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere. And to demonstrate the benefit of this action, all true AGW believers, climate (alarm) scientists, and published (peer reviewed or not) alarmists shall assemble in the UN General Assembly Building NY City to publicly show everyone how it’s done two hours before the rest have to join in.
    That should clear the air a little.

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