Andrew Freedman Still Having Trouble With Statistics

@afreedma: Chart that speaks volumes re: extreme weather in US this yr: 82% of country affected by extreme max temperatures.
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First problem is that mild springtime weather is not extreme, and second is that there is no trend. In statistics people often throw out outliers. If Andrew was in the UK right now he probably wouldn’t be complaining about mild daytime temperatures.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Andrew Freedman Still Having Trouble With Statistics

  1. Andy DC says:

    Those people in Michigan are still recovering from that extreme 80 degree weather that suffered thru last March. All kinds of pulled muscles from early golf, tennis, bicycling, etc. They just can’t handle nice weather in March.

  2. DirkH says:

    According to Piers Corbyn extreme solar events can knock the jetstreams around so in times of low solar activity they tend to stay in place for longer (if I have understood him correctly). That could explain all the blocking weather patterns very well.
    See here at about 34:00

  3. Adam Gallon says:

    “If Andrew was in the UK right now he probably wouldn’t be complaining about mild daytime temperatures”
    Too bloody right! Chuffing freezing here, dropping down to about 7C tonight, more rain tomorrow!

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