Arctic Institute Update

At the beginning of March, The Arctic Institute wrote a hit piece on meteorologist Mark Johnson, in which they declared that Arctic ice was not close to two standard deviations. That day, it went within two standard deviations and has stayed that way ever since.

Demonstrating once again that the vast majority of climate experts are completely incompetent.


N_stddev_timeseries.png (1050×840)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Arctic Institute Update

  1. Stew Green says:

    – Hey, Arctic Institute, what do you call it when you disagree with proven facts ?
    and if your own “alternative reality” keeps disagreeing with reality you’d probably develop the psychological habit of projecting your bad behaviour trait onto other people & call them …what ?

  2. omnologos says:

    to be fair, any jerk can call his one-man operation with the most grandstanding of names (yes, that includes..”Omnologos Ltd” 😎 !)

  3. Evil Denier says:

    If I may correct, it should be:
    ‘At the beginning of March, “The Arctic Institute” wrote a hit piece … ‘
    One man, one (bed)room, one computer … maketh not an ‘Institute’.

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