Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2010 – First Time In A Million Years

The Arctic Ocean could be free of ice in the summer as soon as 2010 or 2015 – something that hasn’t happened for more than a million years, according to a leading polar researcher.

Louis Fortier, scientific director of ArcticNet, a Canadian research network, said the sea ice is melting faster than predicted by models created by international teams of scientists, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

‘Frightening’ projection for Arctic melt

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2010 – First Time In A Million Years

  1. Louis Fortier must have found ice that is a million years old or how could he be see sure. He needed something to do carbon dating, right?
    This is strange, as they never mentioned sea ice older than a couple of years.
    I hope he is keeping it cold or his evidence will melt awaaaaaay..

  2. Paul Matthews says:

    Here’s my favourite example, from the UK Independent newspaper in 2008.

    “It seems unthinkable, but for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year.”

  3. Shooter says:

    …It was ice free in the MWP, the RWP, and in the 1950’s…

  4. Latitude says:

    “ice free” does not mean the same thing to everyone……

  5. Curt says:

    NSIDC believes that around 5000BC, the arctic ice disappeared completely every summer. Of course, that killed all of the polar bears…

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