Aspen Goes Full Stupid With McKibben

ASPEN, Colo. (AP) – Aspen Ski Area hosted a ski race without snow Saturday to highlight the effect climate change has on the outdoor recreation industry.

Auden Schendler, Aspen Skiing Company’s vice president of sustainability, says “climate change is already pounding businesses and communities, whether you’re a ski resort, an insurance agency or a raft business.”

The day’s events were organized by, an environmental group co-founded by Vermont activist Bill McKibben.

Aspen Ski Area rallies to highlight climate change –

Aspen Mountain rarely has skiable snow in May. Last year had the best spring skiing in history. These fraudsters are completely FOS.

December 28, 2007

Aspen flirts with powder record
Only December 1983 tops this month.

ASPEN — This month is shaping up as the second snowiest December in Aspen since someone started keeping records in 1934.

Dec 26, 2008

Good News! Record Snow, It’s DEEPcember On Slopes Again in Aspen

May 5, 2010

ASPEN, Colorado — If it felt like the snow never stopped in April it wasn’t just your imagination.

Aspen appears to have set a record with 36.35 inches of snow for April, barely eclipsing the old mark of 36 inches in 1970, according to Charlie Bailey, water treatment supervisor with the Aspen Water Department.

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Aspen Snowfall Records were beaten this week as the best Powder Skiing in the history of Spring Skiing was enjoyed by the Jet-Set New York crowd who flies West each season for their own special blend of “March Madness”. Meanwhile, back in NYC, unwelcome snow was just causing a big mess for those not so fortunate, back on the grind for the 1st day of April…

h/t to Tom Nelson

Slow skiing years happen, like 1976.

Bad Weather

Bad Weather

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Aspen Goes Full Stupid With McKibben

  1. jimash1 says:

    Such snowfall records are true proof that the snow is disappearing and an age of tropical madness ( poor to horrible) awaits Colorado.
    The trend, of increasing warmth and snow melt is unavoidable. The only possible mitigation of this situation is to have political rallies and run up and down the hills in an absurd kind of pantomime skiing.
    There is firm evidence that pantomime skiing in May will ensure a fine snow pack in November.
    Firm, I tell you.
    It will also lower Co2 levels.

  2. Kaboom says:

    That VP should be fired immediately since he obviously doesn’t understand the first thing about the business he’s in.

  3. tckev says:

    As shown by the weather information additions, the recent weather is just too variable. This is not good enough! The government should do something about this. Snow must be there at the correct start of the the season, stay all season, and melt just after everyone leaves. It’s that simple. We must have more normal and normalized weather, or millions of dollars will be wasted, and future generations will not learn how to have fun in the snow. With more green taxes we can fix this – yes we can!

    Believe that and I have a very green computer climate model to sell you…

  4. Sundance says:

    In every article Auden writes that allows comments, I always comment that I agree and then I write in a very alarmist way that people need to stop taking fossil fueled ski trips to Aspen if they want to stop damaging the planet. 🙂

  5. Bill says:

    Never let the facts get in the way of propaganda. Very inconvenient…

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