CO2 Bulimia

If you wanted to get someone to kill themself, an effective way to do it would be to put an idea in their head that something they need for survival is very bad for them. For example, the belief that food was bad killed Karen Carpenter.

Al Gore, James Hansen and a few others are leading an effort to convince people that something else they need for survival – i.e. affordable energy – is very bad for them. If this form of mass mental illness is not stopped, it will eventually have very severe impacts on societal health.

I have to wonder what the real CO2 agenda is, because it has nothing to do with climate or weather.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to CO2 Bulimia

  1. tckev says:

    Its all because we keep exploding 400,000 atom bombs a day!

    HansenSoft(c) the best gaming platform in the world!

  2. ralphcramdo says:

    Somehow the alarmist groups can’t seem to grasp 390 parts per MILLION, MILLION!

    If I have 1 million black beans, extract 390 and replace that 390 with red beans, cook them all in a big pot and serve them all equally would anyone eating the beans notice the red beans?

  3. RexAlan says:

    I think of it this way.
    You have a million tennis balls in an empty swimming pool of which 390 are painted red. Now dive in and see how many you can find?

  4. DirkH says:

    It becomes clearer every day that the energy scarcity meme has been and is being promoted through KGB infiltration. Since the 70ies the survival of the Soviet economy depended on selling oil and gas to the West, especially Germany.
    Today, ALL parties in Germany have been saturated with Green totalitarianism and practically ALL our media. Even the few classical liberal journalists often accept the “CO2 must be avoided” meme when writing about energy policies.

    Russians profit the most from killing off the competing energies like coal, Uranium, big hydro. Solar and Wind REQUIRE fossil backup so that’s a DRIVER for gas demand, not a competition.

    Fracking is accordingly protested by the greens in all our parties and further exploration has been postponed in Germany. The Russians must stop attempts by European nations to exploit their own resources. They already succeeded in France where fracking has been outlawed.

    Europe continues to depend on Russian gas. Well is that so bad. It’s better than nuclear destruction or being overrun by Russian tanks.

  5. John B., M.D. says:

    A telling Holdren quote: “Less energy can mean more employment.” Seems like Obama is following that advice.

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