Doug O’Harra Turbocharges The Lunacy

More megastorms coming as warming climate accelerates water cycle
Doug O’Harra | May 04, 2012

Has the home planet’s pot begun to boil? Is there turbulence awaiting us in the decades ahead?

The energy so far pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere by climate warming has begun to turbo-charge the global water cycle, raising the specter of a future with more devastating storms, accompanied by longer and more implacable droughts.

Climate warming turbocharges water cycle and spawns bigger storms | Alaska Dispatch

Doug has also been telling us for years that Alaska sea ice (which set an all time high this year) is doomed.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Doug O’Harra Turbocharges The Lunacy

  1. Andy DC says:

    They keep mindlessly spewing the same recycled drivel even though the facts show that it has all been totally discredited.

  2. ralphcramdo says:

    Apparently the idiots that run this country still listen and throw away billions of tax dollars to keep hearing it.

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