Evaluating The Obama Stimulus Plan

In 2009, Obama convinced Congress to put every American child another $10,000 in debt, in order to fund his “Stimulus Act.” He produced this graph shewing the consequences of not passing the Act.

So how did Obama do? The red line below shows actual unemployment since Obama stimulated Chris Mathews’ leg. Besides paying back his campaign supporters, all that Obama managed to do was to destroy confidence in the economy.

But I am not being fair. The $10,000 per child is before interest. After interest is accounted for, the total is more like $100,000 per child – to achieve nothing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Evaluating The Obama Stimulus Plan

  1. Andy DC says:

    Obama is saying that his wonderful stimulus package saved America from another Great Depression, triggered by evil bankers and greedy pigs on Wall Street.

    $16 trillion of debt? Just chump change. $16 trillion, $160 trillion-what’s the difference? We are already a Chinese colony one way or the other.

  2. Independent says:

    The “stimulus” actually achieved worse than nothing. U.S. labor force participation is at its lowest in 30 years due to people leaving the labor force after not being able to find jobs. If you add in these people to the official unemployment rate, you don’t even see the slight improvement that is claimed in the official numbers. The “stimulus” was a socialist disaster and four more years of Obama could well entrench the real 10-15%+ unemployment we have right now.

    I’m sure, though, that college students will support Obama overwhelmingly. They sure aren’t hearing from the press very often how 1/2 of recent college grads can’t find work for YEARS.

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