Fossil Fuels Have Brought Devastation To The Arctic

Indigenous peoples of the Arctic used to live in harmony with nature.

20 Apr 1947 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Fossil Fuels Have Brought Devastation To The Arctic

  1. gator69 says:

    If by ‘devastation’, you mean rent seeking-enviro-nut-alarmist-conmen, you would be correct sir!

  2. brian lemon says:

    Fossil fuels bring their food, clothing, educations, rifles, pens and pencils et al.

  3. Marilyn says:

    Life expectancy in Greenland.
    total population: 71.25 years
    male: 68.6 years
    female: 74.04 years (2012 est.)

  4. NoMoreGore says:

    In Costa Rica, supposedly, you are 4 times as likely to live to 100. Avg Life expectancy around 79 years. Supposedly, the Japanese do quite well…. and the French not too bad… must be all that wine and cheese…. better crack open a bottle to administer some medicine!

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