Fullerton Police Beat Unarmed Homeless Man To Death

The videotape showed an escalating situation that abruptly became hostile when officer Manuel Ramos snapped on latex gloves and said, “Now, you see my fists? … They’re getting ready to f— you up … If you don’t start f—— listening.”

Within moments, Ramos and another officer take Thomas to the ground with help from a baton, according to the video, and pounce on him as he begins screaming “I’m sorry dude … I’m sorry. … I can’t breathe dude … I can’t breathe, sir! Please, help!”

Cicinelli arrived at the scene a few minutes later in response to a call that an officer needs help and quickly joined the fray, the videotape showed. He used a Taser to shock the man into submission and then used the plastic gun as a weapon as he hit Thomas in the face, the video shows.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Fullerton Police Beat Unarmed Homeless Man To Death

  1. Brian says:

    It sucks that some people get into law enforcement for the wrong reasons.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Maybe we need to replace these defectives with Robo-Cops that wouldn’t be subject to human error.

  3. suyts says:

    Truly disgusting. Those criminals need to be in prison.

    • Me says:

      You got that right. Have you seen the video of this?

      • DERise says:

        I saw it, truely disgusting. The people that shot that video should be in JAIL (in many jurisdictions they would be subject to arrest for “interfering” with the police in such a manner). (sarc)
        When will the proles figure out they should just accept that their lot in life is to shut up and blindly accept that everything the government does to…for them is for their own good, government run health care is good for everyone (your mother really didn’t need that life saving operation), accept that farm land is diverted to bio-fuel production as huge swaths of resource rich western lands are set aside to “protect the natural habitat” of some sub-spicies of slug or weed, accept that diverting water from some of the nations most fertile farmland to send it into the sea to protect some little fish.
        When will the people accept that the TSA, warrentless wiretapping, assasination of US citizens (wherever they are), and abusive police beatdowns are a part of every day life? I hope they never do, but I have a feeling many only care who is going to be the Next …American Idol!

      • Me says:

        I started watching it, but couldn’t finish. Brutal.

  4. Sundance says:

    Ramos will soon be portrayed as a rich, white, Romney supporter.

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