Garnaut 2008 : Kangaroo Farting Tax Needed To Stop Global Warming

Just when you thought these morons had peaked. Eat roo-burgers, because they don’t fart as much as dinosaurs.

Eating roo may combat global warming
Thursday, 2 October 2008

Call to encourage climate-friendly farms, Science Online, 04 Jul 2008

Eating kangaroo instead of cattle and sheep has been given a scientific stamp of approval by the government’s top climate change adviser.

The belching of millions of farm animals is a major contributor to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, notes Professor Ross Garnaut in a major report to the government on global warming.

Kangaroos, on the other hand, emit negligible amounts of methane gas.

If farmers were included in a system requiring industry to buy permits for the gas they produce, the cost of meat would rise and could lead to a change in eating habits, says Garnaut in the 600-page report released on Wednesday.

Eating roo may combat global warming › News in Science (ABC Science)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Garnaut 2008 : Kangaroo Farting Tax Needed To Stop Global Warming

  1. DirkH says:

    I always thought that Australia was so hot because the cangoroos farted it warm. But they don’t fart. So Australia should be cooler than Europe. Or was it before the white man brought cattle?

  2. Shooter says:

    :3 Oh boy, this was 4 years ago. Has the fartocalypse begun there yet?

  3. ozspeaksup says:

    put your coffee down…spare the pc.
    after this braindead accountant waffled they then announced the CSIRO ( they really should lose the science bit) would be working with some group in WA to work out what gut bacteria work in roos, and the GM them so they could put them into cow and sheep guts!
    as for farming roos?
    they go under over or through 5ft fences..they die from a mucle melt when pushed in a chase, ie trying to round the buggers up would kill most:-)
    ( I gather deer do similar?)
    they have a weird muscle action with an energy return that enables that massive propulsion., also means something like extreme lactic acid buildup and overheat fail.
    if you used horse to chase em with dogs for help they would bail up the dogs as usual and probably have a go at a horse if cornered, they roam in groups, not real large groups unless food pressures on. We already hunt em for food use main use is pet food.
    finding shooting and then getting the carcases to abbatoirs is NOT an easy task.
    the very best way to catch a roo is to plant a food crop like wheat. then sit n shoot.
    however some states have made shooting limited to a very few licensed shooters..
    I would be happy to make a Roo Suit for mr guano (hes full of it!) to trial in a real life experiment.

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