Global Warming As A Form Of Mental Illness

The hockey team has turned on Martin Hoerling, for telling the truth. No surprise, because their funding and prestige depends on maintaining the big lie.

What is interesting is the reaction of the global warming groupies, like those who frequent Andy Revkin’s site. They are convinced that Hoerling must be wrong, because he isn’t saying anything scary. These people seem to have a deep seated psychological need to :

  1. believe that a disaster is about to occur
  2. blame others for the impending disaster
  3. believe that anyone who disagrees with them is evil, and wants to create the disaster
  4. feel guilty about their role in the impending disaster

They don’t actually believe that they can do anything to stop the impending disaster, but they still believe it is important to feel bad about it, spread anger, and tell others to make gestures of sacrifice.

Additionally, they find evidence of the impending disaster everywhere they look. A warm spring day, a cold winter day, a warm winter day, a hot summer day. All evidence that their fears are justified.

Sounds like a loose combination of hypochondria, paranoia and schizophrenia. In other words – full blown loons.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Global Warming As A Form Of Mental Illness

  1. Climate models do not even replicate past precipitation patterns successfully. This observation is not controversial. So why are the attack dogs upset that researchers don’t have much confidence in precipitation forecasts?

  2. Dave N says:

    Religious zealotry

  3. The actual take home message is, “anyone who questions what we assert will become our enemies and we will make your life and career difficult if we can.”

  4. A Lovell says:

    As Pascal Bruckner in his article ‘The Ideology of Catastrophe’ remarks:- ‘Catastrophe is is not their fear it is their joy’.

  5. Dr K.A. Rodgers says:

    Can I recommend: Charles Mackey: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. New York, 1841. Available in a free kindle version.

  6. ozspeaksup says:

    yup!~ thats what got me so beat about it..people who seem(ed) to be rational are absolutely bananas when it comes to the warming scam. I think the real kicker for many has been the down n dirty use of kids grandkids fearmongering.
    as well as a dose of self guilt for having so much “stuff” in comparison to many others.
    rather than give stuff away or donate funds to feed house clothe the less well off, its far easier to keep everything, in fact go and buy new! stuff with a Green tag so they can brag about how good they are now..
    and I’d bet that most of them do NOT rehouse their old goods but they go to the dump.!
    assuming the dump recycles, rather than give it direct to the needy close to home.
    Classic and immediate example.
    our local school is so Green it hurts. rabid.
    they dumped some 20 computers printers and scanners this week, to sit out in the rain and become useless, while kids IN the town cant afford them..and there was a note on one saying it worked fine and could be sold used please.. ONE teacher must have a conscience?
    rules and regs in aus now make resale of used electricals a prioblem unless checked by an charities also now dump donated working whitegoods and home appliances.
    green hypocrisy to the max!

  7. roger says:

    Disastrous warming continues at Aviemore Scotland. Snow WILL be a thing of the past……
    Britain’s last remaining area of tundra in death spiral………
    Scottish mountain tops crowded by flora and flora with no where left to go……………..
    Last Updated on: 14/05/2012 11:11
    Top Station Weather, 35 – 45 MPH, WSW, -2.0C, Snowing and drifting at top, and sleet at car park level.

    • DirkH says:

      Enjoy it! It could be the last time; soon the ocean will swallow your island! Buy cheap Spanish appartments while they’re still empty!

  8. Me says:

    Steven, your .com site silent partner \ jackass, well we don’t know what to call it, either sold it or just deleted the post to selling it. Can you give us any info on what’s happening?

  9. DirkH says:

    Lovely comment on thinkprogress:
    “Deanna Long says:
    April 11, 2012 at 1:47 am

    I hate to sound pessimistic or self-asuming here, but can’t we also attribute these global strange phenomena and other strange events, on catastrophies such as the Gulf Oil spill of 2010, the Fukushima radiation outpouring into the oceans. I mean, just because things can be explained and rationalized..does not mean they were not credible contributors to earthly events, causing catastrophy…on the contrary, these and other factos, such as not recycling in the North West (if you want to recycle here, you have to pay THEM) for example, the Earth is almost vomiting us up!”

    yeah, throw in the Macondo Well fromtwo years ago and a local radiation release from one year ago to explain local warmth in the US in 2012…
    “I mean, just because things can be explained…”

    … doesn’t mean we can’t fantasize all the time…

  10. These people seem to have a deep seated psychological need to…
    …#5 Want “Someone Else” to be forced to change their lives

  11. Andy DC says:

    In this day of “Global Weirding” and “Jetstream Disruption”, all weather of any kind is a clear sign of a doomed planet, only reversable by maintaining a pre-industrial revolution standard of living.

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