Global Warming Causing Widespread Famine And Malaria In The US

No denying global warming: From belief may come relief
NIE “Star Search” op-ed on global warming. By Wesley Richardson of Colonial Forge High School.
Date published: 5/7/2012

RISING temperatures are causing crop losses across America’s heartland and resulting in widespread famine throughout the country. The heat now makes vast areas of North America susceptible to tropical diseases such as treponematoses, malaria, and neurocysticercosis. The shifting wind and ocean currents as a result of the heat accelerate desertification and make violent weather commonplace in once temperate areas of the East Coast. – No denying global warming: From belief may come relief

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Global Warming Causing Widespread Famine And Malaria In The US

  1. omnologos says:

    Is belief in CAGW a side effect of years of alcohol and drug abuse?

  2. ntesdorf says:

    We’d heard that unemployment was up in the US, but ” tropical diseases such as treponematoses, malaria, and neurocysticercosi” …Wow, who would have guessed it! How about throwing in a dose of Dengue Fever and Ebola Virus too!! He should go back to his drugs before he falls really ill!

  3. Andy DC says:

    There has not been a “major” (over 10%) corn crop loss in the heartland since 1988. There were two losses over 20% in the 1980’s and two close to 50% in the 1930’s, with a total of four over 20%. Greater CO2 has so far resulted in fewer bad crops.

  4. kirkmyers says:

    The “scientists” pushing the AGW rhetoric are becoming hilariously desperate. They can’t support their alarmist arguments with hard science, so they resort to scare tactics and unfounded speculation based on the flimsiest of data. Apparently, they’ll resort to any subterfuge in their ongoing quest to keep the research grants flowing and the “attaboy” back slaps coming from their pals and fellow purveyors of junk science now contaminating the halls of academia.

  5. John B., M.D. says:

    Is the author a high school student? Clearly he has no knowledge of epidemiology or pathogenesis of the infectious diseases he writes about.

    The vast majority of U.S. cases of malaria are in people who have travelled to or immigrated from areas where malaria is endemic. Unless the U.S. turns into a tropical swamp, we will not see the mosquitos that transmit the infection. Drought reduces the ability of the mosquito to survive. Note that another tropical infection spread by mosquitos, West Nile virus, was imported into New York from Africa, not spread from the tropics due to global warming.

    Cysticercosis is caused by the oral injestion of pork tapeworm eggs from the environment due to poor sanitation in poor countries, not global warming. Undercooked pork helps perpetuate the disease. Neurocysticercosis is simply a type of cysticercosis that occurs when the pork tapeworm larvae migrate to the brain and form cysts, and can cause focal neurologic deficits and seizures.

    The treponematoses are a group of infectious illnesses causes by human-to-human spread of bacterial subspecies of Treponema pallidum. The only known reservoir is humans. Global warming has no role in this, but overcrowding, poor hygiene, and sexual activity do.

    I’ll defer to others to comment on the numerous non-medical errors in the brief text above.

    • John B., M.D. says:

      I’ll excuse the high-schooler for writing a high-school level op-ed. But it is just that, an op-ed. It is poorly researched, not referenced, and I think reflects the indoctrination going on in our schools. I’m not talking just about being indoctrinated into liberal beliefs, but the lack of teaching of critical thinking skills.

  6. Jimbo says:

    Malaria used to rampant in the USA until the advent of DDT and heavy control. Same for Canada. Siberia (or was it Archeangel in the Arctic Circle?) suffered one of the worst outbreaks of malaria in history.

  7. Jimbo says:

    For those concerned about malaria please read the following.

    Peter W. Gething et. al. 2010
    Climate change and the global malaria recession
    Predictions of an intensification of malaria in a warmer world, based on extrapolated empirical relationships or biological mechanisms, must be set against a context of a century of warming that has seen marked global declines in the disease and a substantial weakening of the global correlation between malaria endemicity and climate.

  8. Jimbo says:

    Here is something else to be worried about. A decrease in malaria in Africa due to global warming. Yes, you read it right. 😉

    When are these fear mongering scam artists going to give up?

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