Green Job In Albuquerque

Fight Climate Change Deniers – Directors Needed

Date: 2012-04-17, 11:12AM MDT
Protect the Environment from Well Funded Polluters

Climate change deniers have powerful financial backers, overriding the lack of scientific proof. The Koch brothers billionaires have sunk nearly 25 million dollars into groups that attack climate change.They use their immense wealth to advocate for false science and their own financial gain.

We do not have their money, but we are activating people who are ready to stand up for future generations.

Grassroots Campaigns is looking for qualified candidates to run campaigns as Assistant Directors all across the United States partnering with leading environmental groups. Every campaign needs a strong leader who is dedicated and able to build and motivate a team to make an impact.

Fight Climate Change Deniers – Directors Needed

Richard Black at the BBC says that government global warming funding is one trillion dollars per decade, which would be four million percent of what this ad claims is available for skeptics. Anyone taking this job should demand their fair share of the trillion dollars.

h/t to dmmcmah

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Green Job In Albuquerque

  1. Traitor in Chief says:

    Boy, those Koch brothers sure get around. And it’s all for (evil) profit.

  2. slp says:

    Who wants to bet that Grassroots Campaigns is funded in part by billionaire George Soros?

  3. tckev says:

    From their about page –
    “GCI was founded in December of 2003, and by April of 2004 had opened offices in 40 cities throughout the country. By July 2004, we had over 2,000 staff knocking on doors and talking to voters on behalf of the Democratic National Committee. With continued work on behalf of MoveOn PAC in October, we added a volunteer force of 50,000 individuals canvassing their neighborhoods in 17 of the most hotly contested swing states of the 2004 Presidential Election. Since 2004, we’ve continued to partner with groups and campaigns to advance good issues, raise money for progressive causes, help take back Congress, and build activism at the grassroots level.”

    Have a look at the greens with a Dimocrat background –

  4. Sundance says:

    The qualifications are the same as those needed to be head of the Pacific Institute. That’s amazing.

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