Guardian : Climate Change Means No Climate Change

Unprecedented global warming could make the weather just like it was in 1976, when Earth suffered from global cooling. Published by The Guardian in their “Climate Change” section.

Summer weather: best hope is cool and damp, say officials 

Is there anyone at the Guardian with an IQ higher than a turnip?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Guardian : Climate Change Means No Climate Change

  1. mohatdebos says:

    Fiona harvey used to write similar crap for the Financial Times (FT). The FT is one of the best international financial newspapers. Unfortunately, they have bought into the global warming hoax completeley, which makes it hard to read the paper without being bombard with false claims or questioning their other coverage.

    • DirkH says:


      I’ve been tracking the downfall of the ftd, German daughter of the ft, since 2000. They have heaps of Soros (Project Syndicate) “economists” these days.

      Never believe a word that they say.

  2. papiertigre says:

    The operative phrase is “bought into“, as in Fiona Harvey bought out, and considering her past I’m sure it was street walker discount rock bottom prices.

  3. davidxn says:

    You really should stop insulting turnips.

  4. Dave Johnson says:

    “Devastating drought in 1976”, Drought yes, but devastating? a touch of hyperbole methinks

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