Hansen 1986 : Earth Living Hell By 2001 – And It Is Reagan’s Fault

One Flew Over The Hansen’s Nest

St. Joseph Gazette – Jun 16, 1986

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to Hansen 1986 : Earth Living Hell By 2001 – And It Is Reagan’s Fault

  1. Mike Bromley the Canucklehead says:

    What gets me is how Hansen has been able to get away with all of this disjunct fearmongering and failed predictions for so bloody long. I just shake my head at his twitchy, weasely delivery…and that nobody catches it.

  2. suyts says:

    Lol, gosh they hated that man. ….. and we’ve been searching for another ever since he left office.

  3. sunsettommy says:

    He is the “Paul Ehrlich” in the climatology circles.

  4. Sundance says:

    In retrospect one has to wonder if maybe Bush was justified in trying to muzzle Hansen. The more Hansen statements in press clippings I read, the more removed from reality Hansen appears to be. He comes across as an egomaniacal mad scientist smitten with his creation of his Frankensteinian model which must be preserved at all cost. Will Hansen’s model monster end in tragedy too like the famous story? Maybe NASA’s reputation would have been better preserved had Hansen been muzzled.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    Wow… Jimmie :Death Trains” has been out there for quite a while. Since when does more heat and humidity correspond with dead and/or browning foliage?

  6. Andy DC says:

    Ironically, 2000 and 2001 had the COOLEST two consecutive Julys in Washington, DC since the 1890’s. Spot on as usual, Jimbo! Anyone checking the track record can see he is an obvious fraud.

  7. Kevin says:

    The theory languished for a few years before socialists here (and elsewhere) realized the potential. They’ve been scrambling ever since (and spending $billions in taxpayer money) to capitalize on it. At this point Hansen (and NASA for that matter) are just pawns in the game.

  8. Lazarus says:

    According to the ice cores the climate is warmer now than it has been in the last 100,000 years.
    Something that was unknown in 1986.

    • According to ice cores, temperatures peaked 8,000 years ago – when your Neanderthal friends still ruled the planet.

    • What do the ice cores say about 1934?

    • LLAP says:

      @Lazarus: “According to the ice cores the climate is warmer now than it has been in the last 100,000 years.”

      Even if we follow that as being true …

      1) Most of the last 100,000 years was an ice age. Being warmer than that is a bloody good thing, or the habitable zone in North America would begin somewhere around North Carolina.

      2) We are at the peak of an interglacial. The previous four interglacials were ALL warmer at their peak than now … up to 3.5 degrees celsius warmer. What caused those warmer temperatures? Wooly Mammoth farts?

      • Lazarus says:

        Even if I were to accept what you say as true it doesn’t affect that Hansen was proven correct; According to the ice cores the climate is warmer now than it has been in the last 100,000 years, an unknown in 1986.

      • LLAP says:

        @Lazarus: No, the ice cores do not prove that Hansen was correct. If you look closely at the red line (temperature), you will see a slight dip at the very end. I don’t know why you keep defending Hansen … he is an activist nutcase.

        P.S. Why accept why I say is true … look at the graph for yourself. It is very easy and plain to see.

      • Lazarus says:

        I’m not sure what graph you are referring to. I have given two links, the only one showing temperatures for the last 800,000 years and with the temperature in red clearly shows present temperatures warmer that at any time in over the last 100,000 years.

        My second link has temps in black for the last 12,000 years and specifically shows 2004 was warmer that at any time during those years.

      • You posted a link to Mann’s Hokey stick inserted by William Connely

      • LLAP says:

        @Lazarus: There are only two graphs … how hard could it be? By the way, you know about William Connolley getting banned from Wikipedia for censoring all entires that did not coform to AGW … right?

        P.S. It is the ice core graph … look at the dip at the end. We are cooler now than the MWP and Holocene Maximum.

  9. DirkH says:

    Lazarus says:
    May 30, 2012 at 1:59 am
    “My second link has temps in black for the last 12,000 years and specifically shows 2004 was warmer that at any time during those years.”

    Your only proof is a Frankengraph by the “Global Warming Art project”?

  10. Lazarus says:

    So what you are basically saying is that the evidence shown in the graphs prove that Hansen was right but if you deny this evidence you can convince yourself that Hansen and I are wrong.

    • LLAP says:

      @Laz: “the temperature in red clearly shows present temperatures warmer that at any time in over the last 100,000 years”.

      This is just so stupid:

      1) Out of those 100,000 years, approx. 90,000 were spent in an ice age or emerging from one, so what does that prove? Nothing. It is the same as saying it is warmer on July 1st than January 1st (unless, of course, you are in the Southern Hemisphere), which again proves nothing.

      2) Of the last 10,000 years, the resolution on your 800,000 year graph is so poor that it proves next to nothing … and you deny the slight dip at the end. Yes, it is hard to see, but it is there.

      It really amazes me that warmists like you call us “deniers”. The real deniers are people like you … you continue to DENY that the Holocene Maximum, Roman Warm Period, and Medieval Warm Period were all warmer than now. Two graphs off Wikipedia and you think that Hansen is proven correct … what a farce!

      P.S. Thanks for the morning laugh ;).

    • So what you are saying is that for the last 10,000 years temperatures have been +/- 1C the warmest period of the last 100,000 years, and that proves that the year 2001 is a living hell. You are even stupider than I realized.

      • Lazarus says:

        It doesn’t prove anything about a living hell – foolish straw man.

        What it does prove is that you are wrong, even if only by 1°c. That is a greater temp difference than between the MWP and the LIA.

      • LLAP says:


        Watch this:


        It proves beyond a doubt that between 4000 and 8000 years ago, temperatures in Greenland were 2.5 degrees Celsius warmer than now. The MWP was about 1 degree C warmer than now. It also references reserach that the pattern wasn’t confined to Greenland. Hansen is wrong again and so are you.

      • The ice cores show that temperatures plateaued 10,000 years ago. You are wasting everybody’s time as usual.

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