Hansen : Blogging More Disruptive Than Jail

Hansen takes a cheap (and lame) shot at Hoerling, implying that posting a couple of paragraphs on Revkin’s blog is more disruptive than going to jail, giving thousands of interviews, altering temperature data over and over again, or wasting a month with Al Gore pretending to be observing Antarctica.

Some scientists may be able to spend their time blogging and e-mailing without a significant impact on their scientific productivity — I’m not one of them — but I do make an effort to make my papers understandable to a wide audience.

More on Extreme Weather and the Greenhouse Effect – NYTimes.com


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Hansen : Blogging More Disruptive Than Jail

  1. tckev says:

    Nothing the Shroud-Waver-General says is cheap, consider these failures to report often elegant air and hotel/resort accommodations received on his SF278 as required by law (the amount of direct cash income received from the party providing him travel, as well, is in parentheses):

    Blue Planet Prize ($500,000), travel for Hansen and his wife to Tokyo, Japan, 2010
    Dan David Prize ($500,000), travel to Paris, 2007
    Sophie Prize ($100,000), Oslo Norway, travel for Hansen and his wife, 2010
    WWF Duke of Edinburgh Award, Travel for Hansen and his wife, London, 2006
    Alpbach, Austria (alpine resort)(“business class”, with wife), 2007
    Shell Oil UK ($10,000), London, 2009
    FORO Cluster de Energia, travel for Hansen and wife (“business class”), Bilbao, Spain, 2008
    ACT Coalition, travel for Hansen and wife to London, 2007
    Progressive Forum ($10,000)(“first class”), to Houston, 2006
    Progressive Forum ($10,000), to Houston, 2009
    UCSB ($10,000), to Santa Barbara, CA
    Nierenberg Prize ($25,000), to San Diego, 2008
    Nevada Medal ($20,000), to Las Vegas, Reno, 2008
    EarthWorks Expos, to Denver, 2006
    California Academy of Science ($1,500), to San Francisco, 2009
    CalTech ($2,000), travel to Pasadena, CA for Hansen and his wife, 2007
    Plus all the appearance fees etc., that were ‘forgoten’.

    from http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/11/18/dr-james-hansens-growing-financial-scandal-now-over-a-million-dollars-of-outside-income/

  2. Does Hoerling have a blog or did Hansen just make that up?

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    “Understandable” is not the same thing as truthful.

  4. Don Gaddes says:

    Does this mean Hansen is blogging from jail? Whew, they finally got the duplicitous wanker! Now for the rest of them, (Steffen, Cook, Flannery,etc etc.)

  5. Kaboom says:

    Hansen has contributed to science after 1979? And by that I don’t mean the work he is making for honest scientists who have to rebuild the GISS record from scratch after he “fixed it” into uselessness.

  6. Sundance says:

    Hansens sense of self importance combined with his dismissive nature towards other scientists is further evidence of his mental deficits. He is an ill-formed person who lacks judgement and stability and unaware of his numerous inconsistencies such as the one brilliantly pointed out by Steve n this post. You would never see this type of behavior from someone like Feynmann. I think Hansen is teetering on the edge of sanity heading towards (arguably there already) becoming the mad scientist portrayed in B movies. He will become more radical and more detached as he loses noteriety and fades in importance to society.

  7. “Hansens sense of self importance combined with his dismissive nature towards other scientists”

    Err… I think you’ve just described most scientists actually, because that’s human nature. 😉

    On the other hand, Hansen has a worshippers, and some of those should know better.

  8. Doug Proctor says:

    Some scientists may be able to spend their time blogging and e-mailing without a significant impact on their scientific productivity — I’m not one of them —

    Nice put-down. But does this include Gavin Schmidt?

  9. ozspeaksup says:

    keep seeing him as Homer S, its a perfect likeness, except homers brighter

    if he didnt have some spiffy govvy alphabet soup departments he arranges and quotes stuff for from etc
    and he was out in the real woprld science wise.
    would anyone give him airtime?
    I really DO wonder if he’d pass a sanity check.I think hes lost the plot bigtime

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