Hansen Forecast Verification

Yesterday, Hansen called for permanent drought from Texas to North Dakota.


Eight inches of rain in parts of Texas this past week. Good call Jim.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Hansen Forecast Verification

  1. Lazarus says:

    Is that enough to alleviate the drought? I’m thinking not.

    • Only 25% of Texas was listed in drought yesterday. The rain this past week in west Texas was 30% of their normal annual precipitation.

    • Andy DC says:

      The percentage of the US now experiencing drought conditions is LESS than the long term average.

    • (a) The 1981 prediction will most likely turn out just as bad as 1988 prediction. However, the ’81 prediction takes longer before warming ‘spirals out of control’ which means it will take longer to be refuted, that is all.

      (b) The problem with Hansen’s drought prediction is that he is now pulling claims like this out of his arse. There is no scientific basis for making such a forecast. The models do not support such a forecast either. In other words, at some point Hansen moved from scientist to apocalyptic prophet of doom.

      Martin Hoerling:

      In his recent New York Times Op-Ed piece, Jim Hansen asserts:

      “Over the next several decades, the Western United States and the semi-arid region from North Dakota to Texas will develop semi-permanent drought, with rain, when it does come, occurring in extreme events with heavy flooding. Economic losses would be incalculable. More and more of the Midwest would be a dust bowl. California’s Central Valley could no longer be irrigated. Food prices would rise to unprecedented levels.”

      He doesnt define “several decades,” but a reasonable assumption is that he refers to a period from today through mid-century. I am unaware of any projection for “semi-permanent” drought in this time frame over the expansive region of the Central Great Plains. He implies the drought will be due to a lack of rain (except for the brief, and ineffective downpours). I am unaware of indications, from model projections, for a material decline in mean rainfall. Indeed, that region has seen a general increase in rainfall over the long term during most seasons (certainly no material decline). Also, for the warm season when evaporative loss is especially effective, the climate of the central Great Plains has not become materially warmer (perhaps even cooled) since 1900. In other words, climate conditions in the growing season of the Central Great Plains are today not materially different from those existing 100 years ago. This observational fact belies the expectations from climate simulations and, in truth, our science lacks a good explanation for this discrepancy.

  2. tckev says:

    The Shroud Waver General has learned and is now forecasting events outside his natural lifespan.
    I hope we find a method to keep Hansen going for at least another 60 years so he can live long enough to be ridiculed and scorned for the major part of his extended life. I hope he lives long enough to hear people say that “to pull a Hansen” means that you are an educated, well connected, fraud!

  3. dmmcmah says:

    It rained hayhoes and hansens (cats and dogs) in Albuquerque this afternoon. Alas, a mere blip in the permanent drought. Global weirding at its finest.

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