Hansen/Cook Forecast Update

In 1986, Hansen told us that the heat would be unbearable by 2006.

The Press-Courier – Google News Archive Search

John Cook says that Hansen’s forecast from the 1981 was conservative, because “global warming hadn’t really begun to kick in”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hansen/Cook Forecast Update

  1. Billy Liar says:

    That hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica stobbornly refuses to change. It’s been more or less the same since 1990; the Montreal Protocol has had exactly zero effect in 23 years. Worth every penny we paid for it!

    Another case of how long do we have to wait before someone realizes the theory was c**p.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Oops – Stubbornly – not stobbornly.

  3. Don Gaddes says:

    According to an article by Stuart Clark in ‘New Scientist’, recent work on the Solar induced production of Ultraviolet and Ozone indicates a possible reason for the break up of Jet Stream Cloud (as seen in the onset of ‘Dry’ Cycles predicted by Alex S Gaddes in his book ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ (1990.) An updated version of this work (with ‘Dry Cycle forecasts to 2055 ) is available as a free pdf from [email protected]

  4. slimething says:

    Why doesn’t John Cook ever defend himself?

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