How Many Failed Forecasts Are Need To Become A Leading Expert?

James Hansen is considered the world’s leading expert on climate, because of his prodigious numbers of spectacularly failed forecasts. Few could aspire to such levels of incompetence, but for an up and coming climate scamster – how many failed forecasts are needed to become an expert?

Perhaps incompetence with statistics, data tampering, a complete lack of ethics, and refusal to debate are also required to be an expert?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to How Many Failed Forecasts Are Need To Become A Leading Expert?

  1. Ben says:


    Do you have a numbered list available?

    There ought to be a site dedicated solely to failed predictions. is still available 🙂

  2. gator69 says:

    By the same measure, Obama would be an expert on economics, and the Constitution.

  3. mikegeomkenyon says:

    Hansen is just the climate version of those other spectacular prediction buffoons, Erhlich and Holdren. But despite having their noses rubbed over and over in their failures, they still receive accolades and awards from the deluded acolytes. It is a religion isn’t it.

  4. You forgot to mention “… combined with a sense of papal infallibility.”

  5. Marian says:

    Yeah Steve.

    It laughable all his failed predictions going back 20+ years and yet his AGW/CC believing Groupies hang on to his every word.

    We’ve got a number of his Chicken Little supporters here in NZ. They keep coming out with his ‘Game over for Climate.” Quote.

  6. Being a sceptic I would normally assume that Steve is picking on an easy target to ridicule. However, since his papers are still considered orthodox by the IPCC, the problem is much greater than Hansen just having a bunch of goofy ideas and claims.

  7. davidxn says:

    Flannery must be right up there with the best of the spectacular failures. Embarrassingly, our country (at least the alarmists within it, including the government) still considers him a climate expert.

  8. Billy Liar says:

    Perhaps incompetence with statistics, data tampering, a complete lack of ethics, and refusal to debate are also required to be an expert?

    Sounds like a job description for CRU.

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