HuffPo : 15C Warming Since The 1890s

Shoshana Zuboff: When Global Warming Ate My Life

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to HuffPo : 15C Warming Since The 1890s

  1. Sunsettommy says:


    Another epic fail from the ignorant alarmist.

  2. suyts says:

    Lol….. yep, them’s the HuffPo super users I know and love….. but, I get tired of having to keep inventing new users for them……. they keep deactivating my accounts…… I’ve been through 5 now. One day I’ll get bored and get another one for them to censor.

  3. Sunsettommy says:

    They have already censored me by blocking my comment 15 minutes ago.They will not let me log in.

  4. miked1947 says:

    Typical Masochistic behavior from all three of you.
    What is next, whips and chains. 😉
    Of course I can not say a whole lot because I would also be on the BANNED list if I frequented that site. But then again I might just be. After being banned from the first 20 or so sites you tend to forget who has banned you.

  5. tckev says:

    Why is Neopolitan holding his head? Has the glue not set on the new ‘Spock’ ears?

  6. lanceap says:

    What planet is he on?

  7. Bob Johnston says:

    The unfortunate thing is that he’s probably one of the more informed alarmists. I have zero hope that logic arguments will ever hold any sway on people like that.

  8. jimash1 says:

    15C, a new hyperbolic record.
    Where does that come from ?

    • Sunsettommy says:

      He has not corrected it after being mocked on it therefore he must really believe it just like he deliberately ignore Steve’s link to the NOAA page that shows Maine did not warm in over 110 years.

      This is a man stuck in the mud of stupid.

    • Beale says:

      Perhaps he should check with Hansen, who claims a rise of less 1 degree C.

  9. Jim Pettit says:

    Pretty desperate, aren’t you? Trolling internet fora looking for typos in user comments? That thread had become overrun by denialist rats, so in my haste to play Whack-A-Troll, I inadvertently omitted the decimal point. Since HuffPo doesn’t allow edits or deletions, I had to let the error stand. I realize research isn’t a denialist strong point, but you guys might want to look around a bit; you’ll find about a hundred thousand other places where I correctly pointed out the 1.5C rise.

    Y’all are silly. Desperate. But silly…

  10. jimash1 says:

    People adore being called “Denilaist Rats”. ( Schmuck)
    Anyway what is the difference ? Even if you meant 1.5ºC that is still overstating the case by at least 100% .

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