Human Generated CO2 Increasing Human Exposure To Radiation

Global warming is our fault

Humans are now accepting that global warming is not a myth, but some still refuse to claim responsibility for what’s happening to our home. The evidence of global warming is irrefutable. The hole in the ozone layer is widening and is wreaking havoc on our temperature and weather patterns; not to mention allowing more radiation to reach us. Humans put 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year; there is no way that we are not responsible.

Global warming is our fault : | Central Illinois

March weather used to be much nicer in Illinois.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Human Generated CO2 Increasing Human Exposure To Radiation

  1. Shooter says:

    Are they ever going to give up?

    Also, dead plants release 90 bilion tonnes of CO2 daily…don’t ever hear about that. Climate change happens and we are not causing it. These dumbasses give me a headache.

  2. tckev says:

    Humans are now accepting that global warming is not a myth, as we all now know that it’s a vast gravy-train, a global pork barrel fiasco, an international scam. Paid for not once by any first world country through taxes, but again through carbon taxes, and again through the lost productivity (while abiding by evermore restrictive anticarbon laws), again through payments to the UN; a UN that will mandate ‘the developed countries’ to pay more and money over to undeveloped countries then insist on tighter and tighter carbon tax, until everyone in the world is equally unproductively poor, homeless, starving, and sick.

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