Intelligent Life On Mars

Scientists have repeatedly claimed to find life on Mars, proving once again that there is little or no intelligent life on Earth.

09 Jul 1907 – The Planet Mars. EVIDENCE OF BEING INHABITED. Lo…

Mars Viking Robots ‘Found Life’ : Discovery News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Intelligent Life On Mars

  1. Shooter says:

    Yeah, because rocks are totally alive. /sarc

  2. Sundance says:

    Are NASA scientists blaming the life on Mars for gloabl warming on Mars yet?

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    I’m all for for sending the rovers to mars that trek about. But, unless it’s little green men, don’t think it’s going to be a big deal if they find live on mars. So they find some amaebas, this would be a Thursday afternoon story that would essentially be forgotten about by Monday morning. Not a big deal in the scheme of things. Life here would be unaltered.

    But they probably won’t find anything. A main reason: Mars hasn’t had a magnetic shield for over 3 billion years, and gets constantly irradiated. Not good for life. I get the sense that these astro-scientists are barking in the direction of the funding… just like the shameless fear-mongering Chicken Littles.

    Just like the lying full of baloney criminal BS Artists. This is criminal with the doom and gloomers because it is costing us billions of $, and our energy and economic security (lives are being lost thanks to the broken record prophets of doom), and if the Cry Wolfers’ deceptions could be shown to be intentional to a standard of a jury’s reasonable doubt, game over for these eco-fascists once the political climate becomes receptive to taking the Orwellian double-talking Mumbo Jumbo Specialists down.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    Maybe Mars had life when it had oceans a few billion years ago.

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