Invest In Antarctic Real Estate – Now

The UK’s top scientist says that Antarctica will soon be the only place on Earth which supports human life!

2004: Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the government’s chief scientist, Professor Sir David King said last week. He said the Earth was entering the ‘first hot period’ for 60 million years when there was no ice on the plane and “the rest of the globe could not sustain human life”

Sir David King condemns green scaremongering; Herod condemns child abuse; Osama Bin Laden condemns Islamist terrorism; etc – Telegraph Blogs

The horrors of global warming.

Weather Forecast Henry, Antarctica | Henry Weather | Wunderground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Invest In Antarctic Real Estate – Now

  1. dmmcmah says:

    Global weirding in the arctic! Continuing below normal temps:

  2. ozspeaksup says:

    heard that loon many times on ABC national, he seems to be a mate of R Williams very palsy pair.
    would love to see both sent to antarctica with a tent and some tucker for..? about a year should do it:-)
    enough time for their drivel to fade from minds and airwaves!

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