LA Times : Heartland Trying To Make Animals Smoke Cigarettes

What sort of mind-altering substances can lead to a completely incoherent rant like this?

By Dan Turner
May 4, 2012, 1:23 p.m.
It has finally happened: The Heartland Institute, an anti-science front group that used to focus on downplaying the dangers of smoking on behalf of Phillip Morris but now spends much of its time denying the scientific consensus on climate change, has decided to stop even trying to be credible in order to attract publicity. In the vernacular: It has gone all PETA on us.

Global warming deniers mount ad campaign calculated to outrage –

Perhaps the author means anti-science animals smoking cigarettes to deny the scientific consensus?

These morons can never actually debate the science, so they stick with incoherent non-sequiturs and ad homs.  No Dan. You are anti-science and anti-journalism. Do you have any useful skills?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to LA Times : Heartland Trying To Make Animals Smoke Cigarettes

  1. miked1947 says:

    He must not have qualified as burger flipper at Mickey D’s!

  2. tckev says:

    Obviously, as a responsible person, he has not been smoking on behalf of Phillip Morris.
    And I’m sure he meant what he wrote, what ever it means.

  3. dmmcmah says:

    The billboard campaign by Heartland was reckless and stupid. I know the alarmists engage in that kind of behavior, but stooping to their level is not going to help skeptics win over the public. We should stick to the facts. I know Heartland was trying to highlight the absurd such as the baseless ad hominem attacks continually leveled at people like Richard Lindzen but this was a pretty bad idea.

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