Letter To Katherine Hayhoe

Steve Goddard 7:41 PM (27 minutes ago)  to Katharine

Dear Katherine,

You might want to read this article from 1936 before the next time you speak to the congregation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Letter To Katherine Hayhoe

  1. Lance says:

    I believe you will get silence….

  2. Andy DC says:

    Dr. Hayhoe should secure this year’s Nobel Prize, with or without a Cracker Jack box. Her Theory of Peramanent Unprecedented AGW Induced Droughtflood that she so astutely elucidated in 2011 has already been verified to have takin place in Texas, Austrailia and the UK. She has earlier written extensively in peer reviewed journals on the subject of Global Wieirding.

    Dr. Hayhoe is truly on the cuting edge of the latest breakthroughs in climate science.

  3. darryl b says:

    Note the 6,000 miles sqaured (here) in southern Minnesota. Our parents who lived through the combination of incessant drought and heat combined with an economic depression simply laugh at the idea of current conditions anywhere in the US being as challenging. I have heard stories of wind drivien sand and dirt simply eliminating any remains of crops.

  4. Glacierman says:

    One bad year after another? A bad year is one thing, but what were the daily patterns. KH looks at climate data on daily, even hourly basis. You can really see how wierd the climate is when looking at the data on those scales. See, when it goes from bone dry to driving rain (which is how all periods of drought end in Texas), thats a 180 degree swing……..which is really wierd and demonstrates the power of CO2 to change the climate. So they had a bad year, but did the daily rain and temp patterns were not wierded out by CO2, so it was all good!

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