Lies, Data Tampering, Corruption : AKA GISS

Hansen forgot to mention that his Hoerling hit piece was co-written by an investor who stands to make or lose millions of dollars depending on how effective Hansen is at scaring people.

More on Extreme Weather and the Greenhouse Effect –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Lies, Data Tampering, Corruption : AKA GISS

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Hansen, what a family man:

  2. Stew Green says:

    I like that :
    The activists often start with “I don’t have to listen to that point, cos Heartland also said the same thing, and years ago Heartland did some work for tobacco compaines, and in the 1960’s some tobacco commpanies were lying & devious”
    Yet they quite happily parrot stuff which comes out of the PR spin machine of companies which are killing the American economy by sucking up subsidies paid for by higher energy prices which put other companies out of business. That’s : ECONOMIC CANCER

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