Life Was Better When We Lived In Squalor, And Died In The Cold And Dark At Age 32

I am 16 years old. This morning I filed a lawsuit against the United States of America, for allowing money to be more powerful than the survival of my generation, and for making decisions that threaten our right to a safe and healthy planet.

Our parents’ and grandparents’ generation have created a problem. They’ve developed a society that depends on burning fossil fuels, like coal and oil, to survive. They never realized that there were any huge consequences to running our lives with fossil fuels. But now, we do.

Our addiction to fossil fuels is messing up the perfect balance of nature and threatening the survival of my generation. If we continue to hide in denial and avoid taking action, my and I generation will be forced to grow up in a world where hurricanes as big as Katrina are normal, people die every year because of heat waves, droughts, and floods, and entire species of animals we’ve come to know disappear right before our eyes.

Who’s that then?
I dunno, must be a king.
He hasn’t got shit all over him.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Life Was Better When We Lived In Squalor, And Died In The Cold And Dark At Age 32

  1. If only if only he could just move to Pandora and play bongo drums in the forest with the Na’vi.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    The leftist indoctrination of our kids must stop! This youth doesn’t understand that the real danger is not an apocalypse brought on by half a degree of temperature rise, but instead the threat is apocalyptic events that occur precisely because of radical “climate mitigation” policies proposed by the leftists. In response to this kid parroting his parents and grandparents propaganda, I replay my comment at NRO’s article Turning Their Backs on Progress:
    The left despises progress; the wonkish version of what they desire was stated by O’s Science Czar John Holdren: “A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States… [we] must design a stable, low-consumption economy..” But the raw feeling of the leftist dream is reflected by Steward Brand: ““We have wished, we ecofreaks, for a disaster… to bomb us into the stone age, where we might live like Indians…”
    Most don’t understand the serious hurt that could fall upon our country and civilization. So the environmentalists and affluent effete libs go chasing after the fairy tale of global warming, insisting on draconian measures, like the mandated 83% CO2 cuts by 2050 that passed the U.S. House in 2009. This bill would have reduced per capita CO2 usage to 1867 levels. It would have thrust a wrecking ball into civilization, no question.
    But O’s war on energy proceeds, and O’s criminal plan to skyrocket the price of electricity would also severely stunt electrical power generation. At jnova a comment by wes george puts this in perspective:

    Imagine the total civil breakdown that would ensue if the electric grid failed for an extended period in Sydney or London…It’s worth noting that if a major city lost all electric supply in 1950, it wouldn’t have been catastrophic… Then ask yourself — why do we tolerate those in our polity who are working to weaken our already over-extended energy generating and delivery systems?

  3. kim2ooo says:


    [” Our parents’ and grandparents’ generation have created a problem. They’ve developed a society that depends on burning fossil fuels, like coal and oil, to survive. They never realized that there were any huge consequences to running our lives with fossil fuels. But now, we do.’ ]

    Our parents’ and grandparents’ generation have created a problem. They’ve developed a generation where critical thinking skills…once again, are thrown under and replaced with ideology.

    What were [ are ] the consequences of a society without the benefits of energy?
    What were [ are ] the consequences of a society without the energy benefits of the last hundred years?

    [“Also, as youth, we are the last group of people in the US who don’t have any official political rights. We can’t vote, we certainly can’t compete with rich corporate lobbyists… So we are forced to simply trust our government to make good decisions on our behalf.”]

    So you admit…this is a political based lawsuit…not based on Normal Science?

    The great think about Normal Science…it isn’t age restricted.

    Provide the Normal Science Alex.
    I’ll await the discovery process backing your claims.

  4. Shooter says:

    “My and I”? What kind of sentence structure is that? Oh, and the appeal to pity fallacy.

  5. Without “fossil fuels” you don’t have steel (in any appreciable quantities). Without steel you don’t have reinforced concrete. Without reinforced concrete you don’t have hydroelectric dams. Without hydroelectric dams, you don’t have alumin[i]um (in useful quantities). And similarly for silicon. And copper. And so computers are out: & thus without “fossil fuels” you don’t have 16 year old idiots publishing their moronic nonsense. So I guess it would actually be a net “win” for humanity.

  6. John B., M.D. says:

    The indoctrination worked. This kid will be unhappy for the rest of his life.

  7. tckev says:

    I presume that this was emailed-in from their cell connected Apple device. I wonder if most people of this generation appreciate how any modern machine, vehicle, phone etc are manufactured. Try and make your vehicle,TV, PC, iPhone, etc., without burning fossil fuel.

  8. Andy DC says:

    We better get used to a way of life where we are happy to sit around in our commune, sow love beads and grow our own little patch of organic food. But even if they give up the greedy, materialistic ways of their parents and grandparents, these kids are going to be very surprised when we still have hurricanes, floods, heatwaves and droughts.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      That’s the leftist dream, certainly, love beads and organic gardens, and candle rites at midnight… That’s what the warmists want. But, as I’ve said before, that dream would never be; instead, if the leftists get control, we will have various shades of apocalypse.
      And another thing. They could care less about hurricanes, and the climate. That’s all a pretense.

  9. DirkH says:

    It’s up to parents to decide wheher they want to use their kid as a pawn for their own panderings or whether they want to teach the kid critical thinking skills.
    These parents did the former.
    I did the latter.
    My kid questions what I tell him. (And sometimes finds out that I was right, after all. But only in the cases where I was right).

  10. A lot of kids are sceptical but they usually don’t try to sue the government. Most of their protests consist of a rolling of the eyes as the teacher gives them another hysterical lecture. I fondly remember one of own teachers inflicting on us one of those “the oil will run out shortly” videos that were popular for a while. (Still are?) In this case, based on known reserves and extrapolating consumption rates, all oil supplies will be completely exhausted by the year 2000. I remember rolling my eyes at my friend and a few years later we both bought V8’s. The oil didn’t run out but I have to admit, it did get more expensive.

  11. Marian says:

    “Will Nitschke says:
    May 23, 2012 at 2:36 am
    A lot of kids are sceptical but they usually don’t try to sue the government. Most of their protests consist of a rolling of the eyes as the teacher gives them another hysterical lecture. I fondly remember one of own teachers inflicting on us one of those “the oil will run out shortly” videos that were popular for a while”

    Yes Will.

    That’s the big problem teachers doing the ‘indoctrination’ to the kids as part of the school curriculum. The Eco-Green bent teachers do it quite happily. The other teachers act like the kids and role their eyes aswell. The younger teachers fresh out of teacher’s training ‘brainwash’ College are much more eager to teach the Mantra more so than the older more experienced ones.They HAVE to teach it to the the kids even knowing it’s BS if they still want to teach. Just aswell the classrooms haven’t as yet been fitted out with those 10/10 buttons to explode those who resist the Green-Eco marxist doctrine.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Job one is to end this indoctrination. How about a Tea Party sit in at schools, or something crazy like that. I don’t know. At least parents need to get very involved. And we need to try to defeat indoctrination legislatively.

  12. slimething says:

    Come and see the violence inherent in the system….

  13. Billy Liar says:

    Confiscate his phone, his Nintendo and his eye glasses and boot the little twerp out into the yard. See how he likes living without fossil fuels.

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