Life Was Living Hell Below 300 ppm CO2

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Life Was Living Hell Below 300 ppm CO2

  1. Andy says:

    Hi Steve,

    Attached is a link to streamflow into dams in Perth Australia, which was used in a recent Climate Report on Australia, and used to as evidence that rainfall is not resulting in surface water (and ground water).

    I have serious doubts in the calculations the Perth Watercorp have done to produce this, since in about 7 of the last 10 years, our winter rainfall was average(compared to 1911-2011), and yet streamflow was lower than ever?! Particularly compared to pre 1971 years.

    I reckon there is a flaw in the calculation, most likely around how much water overflowed the dams.
    Have you come across a similar calc in US water supply stats?


  2. PaddikJ says:

    Insomnia strikes again and I’ve just perused about the last 40 posts. The historical bits are really fascinating, esp. when taken in a single gulp as I just did – I was struck once again by how many things Michael Crichton got right about Catastrophic Climate Change in just one book & a few speeches/essays. The following was the closing of a lecture he gave on risk, with a sub-theme on CCC (from memory, so it will not be exact):

    “Floods, hurricanes, droughts, tornadoes, blizzards, swarms of locusts – it’s not the end of the world, it is our world. I think it’s time we grew up and accepted it.”

  3. Ed Moran. says:

    Dunno! the guys in the background aren’t complaining much.
    Right, I allow myself one sexist remark a day and that was it.

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