National Academy Of Sciences 1975 : Little Doubt Of Global Cooling

National Academy Of Sciences : 1975

there seems little doubt that the present period of unusual warmth will eventually give way to a time of colder climate, but there is no consensus as to the magnitude or rapidity of the transition. The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future, although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next 100 years“.

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But …. Tamino said that the modern era of global warming didn’t begin until 1975.

Global warming activist James Hansen has of course erased the 1910 to 1940 warmth.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to National Academy Of Sciences 1975 : Little Doubt Of Global Cooling

  1. Marian says:

    So the IPCC projection of 2-7F warmer by 2100 could infact turnout to be 2-7F cooler by 2100. 🙂

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