Obama Gives A Sneak Preview Of His Second Term

Obama somehow suckered Silicon Valley into voting for him once, but his recent attacks on venture capitalism (and capitalism in general) have fully unmasked his desire to kill Silicon Valley’s roots.

Silicon Valley exists because of private venture capital, which has led to the creation of tens of millions of jobs in the US and abroad. China and India have been lifted out of poverty due to new technologies funded by venture capitalists in the US and Europe.

I am a founder of two venture capital funded companies, one of which was nearly funded by Hermann Hauser – the guy behind ARM computer in Cambridge, UK.  ARM is the processor in all Android devices (and millions of other pieces of electronics.)  Hermann’s VC money has ultimately led to employment for millions of people.

Left up to the government and people with Obama’s understanding of economics, we would all still be using government hand picked vacuum tubes – and China and India would still be starving.

Obama’s vision of technology is Solyndra.  Completely useless and very expensive. How many people did Solyndra lay off? Obama is a dangerous idiot.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Gives A Sneak Preview Of His Second Term

  1. Robertvdl says:

    And he wants to help Europe. HELP !
    Obama said to want to give technical assistance when possible.


    I ‘ll repeat this speech by Peter Schiff
    Real Science Real Economics

  2. suyts says:

    Lol, well, I used buggy whips and horseshoes as my analogies of what we’d still be making. But, the premise is exactly right. Obama thinks everything should stay the same. Just look at his moronic statements about JP Morgan! It isn’t the government’s function to keep private companies afloat. Failures clean the economy of wasteful and unproductive entities. Something new fills the void with better, more efficient, productive things. It is the way things are suppose to be.

  3. Robertvdl says:

    If he brought the USA here in less than four years ,


    think what he can do in 8 years.

    President Barack Obama wasn’t kidding when he said he was planning to “fundamentally change America.” Not even a little.

  4. Arthur Norton says:

    “lead to” should be “led to”

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