Obama Tries To Divert Attention Away From His Malfeasance

In 2008, Obama intentionally misrepresented his views on same-sex marriage, God, and Christianity in order to get elected. He should be impeached over this, but as usual the press is protecting him and letting him change the subject and pin blame on somebody else.

Vice President Joe Biden apologized to President Barack Obama for upsetting the White House’s timetable for revealing the president’s support for same-sex marriage, according to an administration official.

Biden delivered the apology to the president the morning of May 9, before Obama gave an interview to ABC News in which he said he has had a change of heart and now supports legal gay marriage, the official said.

Biden’s comments in a May 6 broadcast of NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he is “absolutely comfortable” with same-sex marriage marked the latest instance in which the vice president publicly stepped on the administration’s message. The remarks forced Obama to speed up his timetable for revealing his position on gay marriage, administration officials said.

Biden Said to Apologize to Obama for Gay Marriage Remark – Bloomberg

Actually, Obama revealed his position on gay marriage four years ago. He intentionally lied to get elected, and now is trying to divert attention away from his malfeasance.

August 18, 2008When asked to specifically define his views on marriage, Obama stated that he believes “that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.” “Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. God’s in the mix,” he added.

Obama and McCain Both Oppose Gay Marriage, Split on Abortion

The issue here is not gay marriage. The issues are that Obama treats the American people with utter contempt, and that he intentionally lied to get into office.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Obama Tries To Divert Attention Away From His Malfeasance

  1. cb says:

    Liar. Not liar. It is all the same these days. You see, the liar does it with good intentions, which makes it all ok. All that you have shown is that you are a hater – shame on you! Shame!
    There is no single truth, you see, everybody has their own truth: so there are no lies, only loving debates about differences in opinion between good hearted people. People like you, the unloving haters, are the real problem.

    Rom 1:21+ specifically states the biblical view on debate – namely that is it something that evil-people engage in. Not that I have found so much as one single Christian who CARES, but hey, its about time that God learns that He had better sit up and listen to the loving people who both understand goodness better than He does, and are MUCH more mature than He is… which reminds me – just what exactly did Satan say in his heart again?

  2. miked1947 says:

    SO! This means that O’Bambi just admitted to not being a Christian! He also admitted to not being a Muslim because Gay Marriage goes against that religion also.
    Lies on top of Lies!

  3. Andy DC says:

    Romney has also not been the most steadfast person with respect to his own views on various issues. We have had some bad choices before, but these two might be the worst ever. Two guys that will say anything to get elected.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    According to the leftstream lamestream media, a change of position by a Republican is a “flip-flop,” but if Obama does it, the reason is his “position evolved.” How fricking noble.

    • I don’t see any evidence that he changed his position. He simply lied the first time around.

      • John B., M.D. says:

        Agree. The media cannot even get their lies straight. In 1996, Obama was for gay marriage. While I might mostly agree with his current position, it is a very tiny issue for me, a distraction away from the economy. I do have a major problem with multiple lies he has told. The sad thing is, a large portion of the electorate believes him.

        BTW, our air isn’t as dirty as he wants us to believe: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/health-sapping.html
        The Clean Air Act did some good. I don’t buy the U.S. govt estimates of deaths and patients with asthma. See this map: http://www.asthmacure.com/2010/12/asthma-facts-statistics/. I saw another estimate for China of 1.97% http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(06)69267-2/fulltext. There is a disconnect here. There is more to asthma than just the “common sense” rationale that pollution makes it worse. There is some truth to the “hygiene hypothesis” where lack of exposure to enough germs in early childhood modulates the immune system (alters the distribution and function of T-helper cells 1 and 2) and increases the risk of asthma, allergies, and autoimmune illnesses.
        Obama killed coal because he wants to limit CO2 emissions, but clean air is the lie he tells.

      • Traitor in Chief says:

        Obama killed coal because he wants to destroy our energy independence. He (along with most everyone else demonizing CO2) doesn’t care about the environment.

  5. Traitor in Chief says:

    He clearly made this statement to get money on his Hollywood visit. According to Travolta’s masseuses, this is how you get things in Hollywood. You perform sexual favors for wealthy homosexuals. Glenn Beck has an amazing piece on the fraud that is Obuttwipe. Play the video.

    • John B., M.D. says:

      Calling people names is the lowest form of debate. Sticking to the facts makes your argument stronger.

  6. Billy Liar says:

    He’ll just ‘evolve his position’ again if he gets re-elected.

    • crew259 says:

      He will evolve his position again to try to get elected. He can’t run on Gay Marriage it’s a certain loser. He will however nuance his position to something like… “well even though I personally now may feel that it is okay, it must be up to the will of the people and a state’s rights issue…” or something similar to walk back from it.

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