Onwards And Upwards

Page views at this site since real-science dot com was hijacked.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Onwards And Upwards

  1. gregole says:

    Great work Steven – keep it up and I love this site.

  2. Darkstar says:

    I love your site. I’m not sure how you got hijacked if you owned the name, but nevertheless, the current one is fine. It was about a week from the time I lost you on “realscience.com” until I found you here, and it took some effort, but I’m glad I did.

  3. miked1947 says:

    I try to do my part by looking at at least one page a day! 😉

  4. A C Osborn says:

    Like others I visit this site (among many other climate ones) on a daily basis, sometimes as much as 4 or 5 times a day to see what juicy gem of historic data you have found.
    Your ridiculing of the so called experts, media and politicians with real data is wondrous to behold.
    As you say onward and upward, definitely the best repository of historic climate data on the web.

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