Monthly Archives: May 2012

Justin Gillis : Turning A Minnow Into A Great White Shark

Nature News reported this week The combined contribution from heating of the oceans, which makes the water expand, along with melting of ice caps and glaciers, is estimated to be 1.1 millimetres per year Source found for missing water in sea-level rise … Continue reading

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Hiding The Decline At GISS

The blink comparator below is yet another view of what Hansen’s rewrite of the US temperature record in the year 2000 accomplished. He turned that inconvenient cooling trend since the 1930s into a warming trend – which would better support funding … Continue reading

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Extreme Weather During Hansen’s Coldest Year Ever

Hansen’s handcrafted US temperature graph lists 1917 as the coldest year ever, almost 2.5C colder than 1998. According to his CO2 religion, the weather must have been very cool and stable during 1917. 30 May 1917 – TORNADO CAUSES 300 … Continue reading

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Here Is What Happens When You Elect Fools And Traitors

This article appeared on the same day in 1933 when Anthony Eden was trying to get the west to disarm against Hitler. 19 Sep 1933 – FRANCE FEARS WAR NOT INCLINED TO DISARM Overshad…

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1947 : Enormous Rise In Arctic Temperatures To Drown Manhattan

31 May 1947 – The Arctic is melting says scientist Los Angeles…

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1923 : Radical Climate Change “un-heard-of high temperatures” Causing The North Pole To Melt


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1874 : Climate Change Ruining Agriculture In Scotland

Border Watch Mount Gambier, SA Wednesday 24 June 1874 24 Jun 1874 – CURIOUS CHANGE OF CLIMATE IN SCOTLAND.

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Ben Franklin Predicted The Obama Presidency

Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy (13 November 1789). Benjamin Franklin – Wikiquote

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1846 : White Men Spoiled The Climate Of Australia

Nothing ever changes. White men ruined the climate in Australia almost two hundred years ago. Can Julia retroactively enact a horse-feed polluter tax? The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser  Wednesday 11 March 1846 11 Mar 1846 – ON THE CHANGE OF CLIMATE.  … Continue reading

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So Long Joey ……

The QPR suicide bomber is banned for 12 matches. Hopefully he has some other skills, because no team owner in their right mind is going to pick him up.

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