Monthly Archives: May 2012

Yet Another View Of Hansen’s Y2K Cheat

I am always looking for new ways to visualize how Hansen destroyed the integrity of the US temperature record in the year 2000. The blink comparator below shows the uncorrupted  1999 version of the graph to the left of 1998, and alternates between the … Continue reading

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T3 : Rise Of The Machines

Terminator 3 – from 2003 “People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security, deserve neither and will lose both” – Ben Franklin Our world – in 2011 Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones « CBS DC

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American Lad Makes Good

Texan Clint Dempsey finished fourth in Premiership goals this season, scoring almost twice as many as Welsh star Gareth Bale.

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Science Nutcase News

Science News tells us that we will either drown, boil or freeze to death. Science News 2012 – World Doomed Due To Global Warming Big Antarctic Ice Sheet Appears Doomed – Science News Science News 1975 – World Doomed Due … Continue reading

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Florida Hurricanes Coming Further Apart

According to NASA’s top climate scientist, the oceans are gaining heat (due to man made global warming) at a rate of 400,000 A-Bombs per day. He also tells us that the warmer water causes more frequent and powerful hurricanes. It … Continue reading

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NRDC : “More than 150,000 Americans may die by the end of this century”

More than 150,000 Americans may die by the end of this century They are really going out on a limb suggesting that 150,000 deaths will occur in the next ninety years – out of the 600 million Americans currently … Continue reading

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Eleven Degrees Global Warming And Global Cooling

NRDC says that temperatures will warm eleven degrees by the year 2100 With global warming projected to raise North America’s average temperatures another 4°F -11°F this century, according to the U.S. Global Change Research Program, excessive heat events are expected to increase … Continue reading

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NRDC : Global Warming To Kill 17,877 People In Detroit Their implanted microchips will be able to track them as they drop dead. Does NRDC also know the victim’s names?

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Fossil Fuels Have Brought Devastation To The Arctic

Indigenous peoples of the Arctic used to live in harmony with nature. 20 Apr 1947 

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Big Science : Declining Winter Snow Cover Affecting Wolverines

Nonlinear responses of wolverine populations to declining winter snowpack Another brilliant study, except that winter snow cover is increasing. Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

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