Monthly Archives: May 2012

Guardian : Climate Change Means No Climate Change

Unprecedented global warming could make the weather just like it was in 1976, when Earth suffered from global cooling. Published by The Guardian in their “Climate Change” section. Summer weather: best hope is cool and damp, say officials  Is there … Continue reading

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Satellite Sea Level Fraud – Worse Than It Seems

Nature reports that glacial melt and thermal expansion only cause half of the tiny bit of sea level rise reported by tide gauges. Source found for missing water in sea-level rise Human use of water contributes markedly to rising tides. … Continue reading

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Why Hansen/USHCN Had To Do Their Y2K Cheat

Without the Y2K rewrite of the US temperature record, the US graph would look like this. The graph above appends the last fourteen years of the current GISS US graph on to the uncorrupted 1999 version – with everything normalized to 1998. … Continue reading

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Will The AGU Ethics Officer Be Reinstated?

Now that Suzanne Goldenberg has personally cleared Gleick of forgery charges, and demonstrated that his fraud and theft was for the good of the planet – will he be reinstated as AGU’s ethics officer?

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How Many Failed Forecasts Are Need To Become A Leading Expert?

James Hansen is considered the world’s leading expert on climate, because of his prodigious numbers of spectacularly failed forecasts. Few could aspire to such levels of incompetence, but for an up and coming climate scamster – how many failed forecasts are needed to … Continue reading

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1899 Hurricane Forecast : Cannibalism

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Computer Grants Arctic Three Year Reprieve

Scientists who predicted a few years ago that Arctic summers could be ice-free by 2013 now say summer sea ice will probably be gone in this decade. Now they are working with a new computer model ….  that produces a … Continue reading

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Nobel Prize Winner : Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2014

December 15, 2009 There are many kinds of truth. Al Gore was poleaxed by an inconvenient one yesterday. The former US Vice-President, who became an unlikely figurehead for the green movement after narrating the Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, became entangled … Continue reading

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Arctic Council : Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2015

Because climate change in the Arctic region is occurring faster and to a greater extent than anywhere else, the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free for a short period of time as early as the summer of 2015, according to the … Continue reading

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Top Norwegian Expert : Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2008

MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2008 Polar ice cap melting away in 2008 ? The latest salvo comes courtesy of Xinhua, which reports that Olav Orheim, the head of the Norwegian International Polar Year Secretariat, is placing his money on this summer. … Continue reading

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