Monthly Archives: May 2012

McKibben : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next Year

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New Scientist 1960 : Arctic To Be Ice Free (Year Round) By The Year 2000

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Western Arctic Ice Growth Since 1989

There is a lot more sea ice this month around Alaska and Siberia than there was in May, 1989. N_daily_extent.png (420×500) N_198905_extn.png (420×500) NASA expert Jay Zwally said that the Arctic may be ice free in about 14 weeks.

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Hansen : 100 Millimetres Sea Level Rise Per Year

This planetary energy imbalance is itself now sufficient to melt ice corresponding to one meter of sea level rise per decade Scientific reticence and sea level rise – IOPscience He must be thinking about the 400,000 nuclear bombs of added … Continue reading

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Someone Close The Damn Door Already

The Earth has been facing imminent doom since Earth day, 1970. The door to rescue the planet is always about to close. May 21, 2012 While global negotiations have slowed since the high-intensity period over the last three years (in … Continue reading

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New French President Won’t Suffer Fools

French President Francois Hollande skipped Mr. Obama’s remarks at Monday’s session, arriving to take his seat only after Mr. Obama had finished speaking. Mr. Hollande campaigned on a pledge to remove France’s 3,400 troops from Afghanistan by the end of … Continue reading

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Romm 2010 : BP Oil Spill To Ravage The Gulf Coast For A Generation – Ruin The Florida Keys

It’s now clear that the Gulf Coast will be ravaged, that the impact will be felt for at least a generation, and that we will probably be testing seafood from the area for decades. If the Loop Current entrains a … Continue reading

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Obama Gives A Sneak Preview Of His Second Term

Obama somehow suckered Silicon Valley into voting for him once, but his recent attacks on venture capitalism (and capitalism in general) have fully unmasked his desire to kill Silicon Valley’s roots. Silicon Valley exists because of private venture capital, which … Continue reading

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Nixon Vindicates Himself : “I Am Not A Crook”

Suzanne Goldenberg writes that one of Gleick’s unnamed buddies says that he didn’t commit forgery, and that his fraud and theft was all good – because it helped stifle debate. A review has cleared the scientist Peter Gleick of forging any documents … Continue reading

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If Voldemort Had A Son, Would He Look Like This?

First transgender contestant competing in Miss Universe Canada loses bid for title

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