Monthly Archives: May 2012

Fine Reporting From ABC News

By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) March 28, 2012 A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was … Continue reading

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The Dangers Of Racism

In 2008, the US elected a completely unqualified candidate to the presidency – because he was black. In 2012, the same candidate has added four years of failure, division, taking credit for other people’s accomplishments and deferring blame to his resume – … Continue reading

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Boris Mocks Barry

I see the G8 has a brilliant solution to the problems of the eurozone. President Obama says it’s time for “growth and jobs”. Jolly good. That’s the stuff. Let me show you how to create employment – the Brussels way. … Continue reading

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Has Lewis Pugh Made It To The North Pole Yet?

In 2008, Mark Serreze forecast an ice-free North Pole. This inspired Lewis Pugh to kayak there. His trip ended when he hit ice further away from the pole than the normal extent line for September. BBC NEWS | UK | … Continue reading

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Hope And Change

Surrogate for Obama Denounces Anti-Romney Ad By RAYMOND HERNANDEZ Mayor Cory A. Booker of Newark, a prominent Democrat enlisted as a surrogate for President Obama’s campaign, sharply criticized it on Sunday for attacking Mitt Romney’s work at the private equity … Continue reading

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Katherine Gets What She Asks For

Texas has been very wet this year, except for the part where Katherine lives. High Plains Regional Climate Center

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Another Busy Week For The Religion Of Peace

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time

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Charges Should Be Dropped Against Zimmerman And Raised Against A Few Other People

It is 100% clear now that the shooting was neither racially motivated nor is there a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a second degree murder conviction. Charges against Zimmerman should be dropped. There were quite a few crimes committed though, related … Continue reading

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97% Of Rocket Scientists Say That Hansen Has To Go

To the long list of right-wing, knuckle-dragging know nothings who dare question “global warming,” environmentalists can add six Apollo astronauts, two rocket men who flew aboard Skylab and a pair of former directors of the Johnson Space Center (JSC). These … Continue reading

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Death Spiral Causes Cold Snowy Winters In The Eastern US

More evidence that the most vocal climate scientists are completely full of shit. This year they told us that the warm winter in the Eastern US was due to global warming and missing Arctic ice. Two years ago they said the exact … Continue reading

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