Monthly Archives: May 2012

Joe Romm – The Anti-Science Girl

Romm has been butting heads a lot lately with NOAA’s experts. They keep telling him that his hysterical assertions have nothing to do with science. NOAA says that Romm is FOS. those who continue to talk in certain terms of … Continue reading

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Union Of Concerted Scamsters

Global Warming The Earth is warming and human activity is the primary cause. Climate disruptions put our food and water supply at risk, endanger our health, jeopardize our national security, and threaten other basic human needs. Some impacts—such as record high temperatures, melting … Continue reading

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James Hansen – The Steinbeck Of Climate Fiction

Hansen recently made this dire statement. “Over the next several decades, the Western United States and the semi-arid region from North Dakota to Texas will develop semi-permanent drought, with rain, when it does come, occurring in extreme events with heavy … Continue reading

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ABC News : Global Warming As Bad As The Bombing Of Dresden

‘The Great Big Book of Horrible Things’: WWII and Climate Change – ABC News Bill Blakemore actually could learn something about climate from the 1930s, if his brain was fully functional. Based on the article above, it appears that may … Continue reading

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Crystal Mountain Not Yet Shizophrenic

Crystal Mountain Resort remains just one of seven North American resorts still in operation, and if all the stars align, snow lovers could be carving turns there well into early summer. Crystal Mountain still open with near-record snowfall  Barack Obama … Continue reading

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How Did Hansen Pull Off This Cheat?

We know a lot of the history of how Hansen and USHCN corrupted the US temperature record in the year 2000, but much less is understood how he wiped out the northern hemisphere warmth from 1900 to 1940. The graph below shows … Continue reading

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Berwyn Thinks That Talking Controls The Climate

Global warming: Interim climate talks start in Bonn Posted on May 13, 2012 by Bob Berwyn Global warming: Interim climate talks start in Bonn « Summit County Citizens Voice So, a bunch of parasites are getting together in Bonn to figure … Continue reading

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Global Warming To Make Welsh Sheep Disappear

Wales will soon be like Morocco Why our famous Welsh sheep could disappear because of climate change Could Welsh sheep be wiped out by climate change? They have forever been seen as a symbol of Wales – for better or … Continue reading

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Hansen’s 1981 Forecast Failed Too

The latest scam from the team is to ignore Hansen’s failed 1988 forecasts, and go back to a 1981 forecast. It turns out that forecast has already failed as well.  The graph below overlays RSS satellite data on top of his forecast. … Continue reading

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Unprecedented Earth Warming Leads To Disturbingly Normal Sea Ice

In the Congressional race in Washington’s First District, candidate Laura Ruderman (D-Kirkland) has strong views on climate change and global warming. “This starts with climate change. There is NO debate here. Every reputable scientist and organization in the world agrees … Continue reading

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