Monthly Archives: May 2012

Obama : “I suspect that I sound … like those Communists … I don’t fault people with their suspicions. I learned long ago to distrust my childhood …. I had spent much of my life trying to rewrite those stories”

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance: Barack Obama:  Obama’s 2004 biography was promoted by Miriam Goderich – partner at Dystel and Goderich. Miriam’s promotional materials for Obama’s biography listed his birthplace as being Kenya. She had … Continue reading

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Guardian Rule #1 : Assume The Readers Are Morons

Flash floods are on the rise, while the budget to tackle them sinks The Environment Agency has warned the UK to expect more floods but its advice seems to be falling on deaf ears A moving new exhibition of photographs … Continue reading

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My Player Of The Year

Drogba and Cech both made some big plays, but the guy who was consistently in control of the ball (and the matches) was Ashley Cole. Chelsea was 80% defense, and he was the man behind it. And that brilliant pass to … Continue reading

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My Three Decades As A Global Warming Stooge

From the late 1970s until about 2006, I was a global warming stooge. I saw how the weather was warming in the southwest and in the UK. As much as I like to make fun of Viner, I completely bought off on … Continue reading

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Roberto – Patron Saint Of Woodwork

Messi – three off the woodwork. Last Munich penalty off the woodwork. Coincidence? I think not.

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Ice Packyderms Moving To Greenland

Global warming has made life the tropics unbearable, and the great beasts of Africa are migrating to Greenland. Sadly, these poor beasts are unable to forget Hansen’s forecasts for ice sheet collapse.

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Summer 2008 : A Typical Met Office Failure

A typical British summer – Met Office So how did they do? Nick Grahame, Chief Forecaster at the Met Office offered some relief from the poor summer, saying: “The weekend weather is rather mixed with sunshine but some rain for … Continue reading

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Arctic Has Been Ice-Free Since August 8, 2010

July 3, 2010 “The Arctic Ocean sea ice has been declining since summer solstice at rate of 170,000 square kilometres per day. For example, over the last weekend Friday to Sunday 25-27 June the sea ice area decreased 516,000 square … Continue reading

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My Comcast Nightmare

My cable was down for three days this week, and finally got fixed yesterday afternoon. Today at 10 minutes into the second overtime, Comcast went out completely in the neighborhood. It came back on just before the penalty shootout started. And for … Continue reading

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Only One Question Left This Season

Is Abramovich going to be an idiot?

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