Monthly Archives: May 2012

What I Have Noticed About Alarmists

They generally understand little or nothing about science, and get confused by data. Their beliefs seem to be shaped around the idea that the science is very difficult, and that only a select few in academia are capable of grasping … Continue reading

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NASA Ice-free Arctic Update

ssmi1_ice_ext.png (1667×1250)  “the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

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One Born Every Minute

Lazarus gets the PT Barnum Award for this comment. Lazarus says: May 30, 2012 at 12:05 am According to the ice cores the climate is warmer now than it has been in the last 100,000 years. Something that was unknown … Continue reading

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Romm’s BS – Worse Than It Seems

According to Hansen, 1907 was the coldest year ever. The following spring had a 100 MPH category 2 hurricane during Early March. A second hurricane formed on May 24 and hit the US. Only three hurricanes have hit the US during May, … Continue reading

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Greens Shooting Scientists

Nutcase alarmists who think they are saving the planet. A loose coalition of eco-anarchist groups is increasingly launching violent attacks on scientists. A group calling itself the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation International Revolutionary Front has claimed responsibility … Continue reading

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Romm Caught Lying Again

Complete bullshit. 1908 had already seen two hurricanes by this date, and was one of the ten coldest years on record according to GISS. 1908 Atlantic hurricane season 1908 Atlantic hurricane season – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia As far as … Continue reading

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Stable Climate Wiped Out Civilizations

In case you had forgotten over the weekend that we are dealing with complete flaming morons. The era of climate stability is coming to an end After 400 generations of stable weather, the world is on the brink of violent climate change. … Continue reading

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Nature : Much Ado About Nothing In Greenland

Long-forgotten aerial photographs of Greenland from the 1930s, rediscovered in a castle outside Copenhagen, have allowed researchers to construct a history of glacier retreat and advance in the area. Most studies of Greenland’s glaciers have been done only since imaging … Continue reading

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Bering Sea Ice Area – 50% Above Normal This Winter

University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today The normal ice area is represented by green and measures 10,201 pixels. The excess sea ice area is represented by blue, and measures 5,127 pixels. Bering Sea ice area has averaged 50% above normal this winter. … Continue reading

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1988 : Hansen Proved He Was Completely Incompetent

You can’t make this stuff up. The Miami News – Jun 24, 1988 The Miami News – Google News Archive Search Earth to Jim. The planet sees 0.4C swings in temperature every few months. Odds are 99 to 1 that … Continue reading

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