Monthly Archives: May 2012

My UAH May Forecast

0.23 Down from 0.29 in April.

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Polar Bear Drowning Season Kicks Off

Barrow made it above freezing yesterday for the first time in seven months. This marks the official beginning of the Polar Bear drowning season.

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What Breitbart Should Have Said

The story should have started : “Obama’s literary agent listed him as Kenya born for almost two decades – while he was a US senator and until a year before the presidential election. Obama apparently never objected” The dispersed and semi-incoherent information … Continue reading

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Thirty Two Years Ago Today

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The Zwally Death Spiral

NASA says that the Arctic may be ice free this summer. Below I projected a likely path for the imminent death spiral. Don’t be fooled by high extent values over the next couple of weeks.

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Is Obama A Birther?

He has obviously been telling people for decades that he was born in Kenya. The press corps(e) should expose him for being the original birther, but instead they simply choose to stick their heads further up their asses, and shoot … Continue reading

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German Researchers Create More Sinking Heat

German researchers have found evidence that areas in Antarctica, previously thought relatively safe from the direct influence of climate change, are melting rapidly. An Antarctic area previously thought stable is at risk of melting rapidly within the next century, new … Continue reading

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GISS 2012 Update – Plummeting Below Scenario C

Through April, GISS is averaging 0.44 for the year – tanking ever further below Hansen’s zero emissions scenario C. The team has suddenly developed amnesia about his 1998 forecasts, and have reverted back to an obscure 1981 Hansen forecast which won’t collapse … Continue reading

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Obama’s Future Career At GISS

Between April 3 and April 21, 2007 Obama’s birthplace changed, due to the work of a lazy biographer in 1991 – which went uncorrected for 16 years. After Obama is impeached, he has a job lined up at GISS.

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Rosemary Woods Accidentally Erasing The Watergate Tapes

Rosemary was startled by a ringing telephone, which caused her to accidentally put her foot on the record button for 18 1/2 minutes, and erase a critical section of the Watergate tapes. Rose Mary Woods demonstrates the ‘Rose Mary Stretch’ … Continue reading

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