Monthly Archives: May 2012

Met Office Ski Forecast

9 February 2009 Alex Hill, the chief government adviser with the Met Office, told The Scotsman there was no future for skiing in Scotland because climate change would see winters become too warm for regular snowfall. Skiing is ‘doomed’ … … Continue reading

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Miriam Goderich Keyboard Recovered

A simple manufacturing defect is responsible for her confusing the very similar words “Kenya” and “Hawaii” Miriam has been consulting with her aunt Rosemary Woods, who  became famous in the 1970s for accidentally erasing 18 1/2 minutes of the Watergate Tapes – … Continue reading

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Twenty Five Years Of Ice Gain At The North Pole

Twenty-five years ago today, the North Pole looked like this : Today, it looks like this : 4.jpg (1024×576)   -13.5°C During the year 2000, an IPCC lead author hallucinated that he was participating in a 50 million year event. August … Continue reading

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Chief Scientist Needed For Large Country – Competent And Sane Need Not Apply

Sunday, 2 May 2004 Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the Government’s chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, said last week.  Antarctica is likely to … Continue reading

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The Elephant In The Arctic Room

sst_anom.gif (800×600) Sea surface temperatures are running far below normal north of 50N. Mark “Death Spiral” Serreze told us a few years ago that warm Bering Sea water doomed the Arctic.

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Obama In Kenya 2006 : “I’m so proud to come back home”

[youtube=!] This is what his literary bio showed on November 3, 2006 Dystel & Goderich Literary Management :: Client List

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Hurricane Expert Al Gore Explains The Record Low Accumulated Cyclone Energy

the science is extremely clear now, that warmer oceans make the average hurricane stronger, not only makes the winds stronger, but dramatically increases the moisture from the oceans evaporating into the storm – thus magnifying its destructive power – makes … Continue reading

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Global Warming Broken Down To Simple Percentages


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Having Fun Now Illegal In First Grade

Colorado boy, 6, suspended for sexual harassment May 4, 2012 AURORA, Colo.—A 6-year-old boy was suspended from his suburban Denver school for three days after school officials say he told a girl “I’m sexy and I know it,” a line … Continue reading

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The True Story Of Obama’s Kenyan Heritage

A guest post by Dr. James Hansimian Conspiracy theorists are at it again. The explanation is really quite simple. Miriam Goderich is a 21st century birther, who traveled back in time to 1991 – and created a fake bio for Obama claiming that he was … Continue reading

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