Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Coverup Begins

 By Dylan Stableford May 18, 2012 A possible source of the so-called “birther” issue–or at least a potential cause of the rumors that have dogged President Barack Obama–has been identified. Obama’s former literary agency misidentified his birthplace as Kenya while … Continue reading

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Born In Kenya Until 2007

From 1991-2007, Obama’s publicist listed him as being born in Kenya. After 2007, he was born in Hawaii. Obama is still on their client list. Client List | Dystel & Goderich Literary Management

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Born In Kenya

The Manchurian Kenyan candidate. h/t to Latitude

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NOAA : “When We Cheat Hard Enough, We Win”

NOAA tells us every month ad nauseum, that temperatures have been above normal every month since 1985.  Given that they now add more than half a degree on to all recent measured temperatures – this isn’t particularly surprising. Most of … Continue reading

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Helping Flannigan Connect The Dots

Connecting the dots means assume you know the answer, and then use a small amount of data to back up your predetermined conclusion. Toss the huge bulk of evidence which contradicts what you are trying to prove. “Slave Lake is not a … Continue reading

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What Happened To The Foxes?

One year ago today, I reported on a takeover of Fort Collins by foxes. I rarely went two hours with out seeing one. In 2012, I have not seen a single fox for the entire year. Must have something to do with … Continue reading

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Bank Holiday Warmup In Greenland

Temperatures have skyrocketed on the Greenland Ice Sheet up to -19C. looks like a big golfing weekend ahead. This a is a huge improvement from -42C last weekend. summit:status:webcam

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Tracking The 97% Ice Free Arctic Expert Consensus

According to Fortier, the Arctic has been possibly ice free since 2010. Zwally gives it possibly another twelve weeks and Maslowski possibly another year. Barber says it has been free of multi-year ice since 2010. 97% of the consensus of … Continue reading

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The Stable Climate Of The Past

Hansen tells us that the climate was stable in the past, before man started tinkering with it.  Jeff Masters tells us that the pleasant weather of spring 2012 was the most extreme weather the US has ever experienced. April 14, 1935 dawned … Continue reading

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More Evidence That Climate Science Is Just A Reaction To Weather

Joe D’Aleo sent this over. California had a dry winter, so Scripps declares permanent drought. E. Calvin Beisner 11:01pm May 16 Rising temperatures could eliminate two-thirds of Calif. snowpack Anne C. Mulkern, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, May 16, 2012″The snowpack that helps provide water for … Continue reading

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