Monthly Archives: May 2012

A Little Nukie Never Hurt Anyone

Having lived and worked in Los Alamos much of my life, I found Hansen’s remarks about CO2 and nukes to be  particularly revolting. He has no idea what he is talking about.    25 Jun 1954 – HEROIC SCIENTIST SAVES … Continue reading

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Government Scientists Made Glow In The Dark Venison

Rocky Flats: Tread warily, you deer-watchers | The Economist

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1969 : Holdren’s Buddy Wanted To Poison The Water Supply

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1969 : US Government Scientists Wanted To Nuke Australia

The Sun – Google News Archive Search

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1967 : Glow In The Dark Farts

In 1967, our top government scientists wanted to ship radioactive natural gas to people’s kitchens for cooking. The Portsmouth Times – Google News Archive Search

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Great Comment On Andy Revkin’s Blog

Prof. Ottinger, a former *law professor* and member of congress, regards Andy Revkin’s failure to suppress (scientific) dissent to be a crime of the highest national security order, huh. With dissent from fashionable and delusional orthodoxy no longer tolerated within … Continue reading

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When Government Scientists Start Talking Nukes – Head For The Hills

Sandia scientists wanted to nuke Anchorage – for economic development. The Day – Google News Archive Search

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I’m From The US Government – I’m Here To Help You

Lodi News-Sentinel – Google News Archive Search  

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You Can Trust Government Scientists With Your Life

The Canberra Times  3 June 1952          03 Jun 1952 – Troops Tested In Atomic Blast LAS VEGAS (Nevada)… 13 Oct 1954 – SHEEP DIE FROM ATOM RADIATION

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Government Scientists Never Lie

25 Mar 1954 – The Sydney Morning Herald – p1 “Undetectable within 500 miles”  …..  So what really happened at Bikini? 11 Apr 1954 – 2,200 Miles From Bomb Not Safe

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