Monthly Archives: May 2012

Latest News From Katherine Hayhoe

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Pelosi : Saving The Planet By Choking America

Published: August 1, 2008 Recently the Web site The Politico asked Nancy Pelosi, the  speaker of the House, why she was blocking attempts to tack offshore drilling amendments onto appropriations bills. “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to … Continue reading

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Greens Seek A Balance With Nature – Like When CO2 Was Lower

09 Nov 1943 – FAMINE IN INDIA 13 Jan 1900 – Famine-in India. 07 Sep 1931 – HUGE FIGURES. CHINA FLOOD RELIEF. 10,000,000 IN …

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Warming To Bring Permanent Drought And Permanent Flood To The Midwest

No sooner than Hansen declared permanent drought for the midwest – we get a new global warming report warming of permanent floods in the midwest. Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 3:30 PM Subject: 05/16 Climate News Advisory – Midwest/Flooding – … Continue reading

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John Cook : Warming Mainly Due To Cleaning The Air While Dirtying The Air

John Cook explains the warming which started in the mid-1970s. What happened since 1975? Clearly since about 1975, global surface temperatures have trended rapidly upwards (at a rate of nearly 0.2°C per decade).  So what caused the mid-century cooling to … Continue reading

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Senate Majority Leader Doesn’t Know What A Semiconductor Is

“The SIA [Semiconductor Industry Association] had also become increasingly concerned about Washington’s ignorance of semiconductors, a fact that continues to shock senior executives. At a meeting with Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, and twenty semiconductor chief executives before the … Continue reading

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Does Hansen Ever Look At Actual Data?

It appears that Hansen is completely uninterested in any climate data which he hasn’t tampered with. His claims of permanent drought are not consistent with the US drought record, which shows a decrease in drought and increase in wetness since records … Continue reading

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Lies, Data Tampering, Corruption : AKA GISS

Hansen forgot to mention that his Hoerling hit piece was co-written by an investor who stands to make or lose millions of dollars depending on how effective Hansen is at scaring people. More on Extreme Weather and the Greenhouse Effect –

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Stats Since The Move

I moved back to this site three weeks ago. Since then we have had 250,000 page views, no down time, no slowness, no spam E-mail, no broken access to the site, no bogus posts and readership is back to what … Continue reading

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Hansen : Blogging More Disruptive Than Jail

Hansen takes a cheap (and lame) shot at Hoerling, implying that posting a couple of paragraphs on Revkin’s blog is more disruptive than going to jail, giving thousands of interviews, altering temperature data over and over again, or wasting a … Continue reading

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